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To all of our fellow Anglers, brothers and sisters in service for the kingdom,

Because Fishers of Men is a ministry and we live in a world that has so many needs, we have initiated and new program to help our members in need.  We are announcing the creation of a benevolence fund to assist folks during crisis. 

Our hope is that this will be adopted throughout the country and that it is repeated annually in the same fashion. Furthermore, we hope that some will donate beyond as they are able as the needs are great.

Accessing the fund will be done by written petition from any director, in support of any member or member’s family, that is in crisis or in need.  The requests will be presented to the benevolence committee and distributions will take place after review and approval.

For any questions or requests for funds reach out to Dick Polk - Director of Ministries. 

Please consider donating by clicking on the logo above.