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Indiana North - Classic

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About This Division

Join us for the 2025 season of the Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail (FOMNTT) North Division! Experience the excitement of fishing, fellowship, and competition throughout the year. 

Division Format

Our division is open to individuals or teams fishing from one boat. See rule 22 regarding Adult/Junior and Male/Female teams. Once a team is established only legal subs may be used, See rule 17. 

Complete Rules

For a full list of rules and regulations, visit https://www.fomntt.com/strenteamrules.cfm.


We will only fish 5 tournaments for 2025

  • To qualify for a Division Champion, a team must fish at least 3 division tournaments. See Rule 21 for complete details.
  • To qualify for a Regional Berth, a team must fish 3 of our division's 5 events or a combination of 5 tournaments throughout the FOMNTT Classic Series. See Rule 23 for complete details.

Tournament Dates & Location

April 19 - Geist Res (Combined Tournament with South Div)

May 17 - Dewart Lake (Have reservations night before established at Quaker Haven)

June 14 - Lake Maxinkuckee

July 12 - Tippecanoe Lake

August 9 - Prairie Creek Res.

Nov 1 ~ Danny Spratt Memorial Scholarship Tournament ~ Lake Shafer 

Membership Information

  • Individual Membership: $42.50 per person
  • Family/Household Membership: $62.50

Memberships are valid for all FOMNTT divisions and can be purchased online at https://www.fomntt.com/memberjoin.cfm. Please ensure no special characters (e.g., dashes, dots, or #) are used during signup.

Tournament Entry Fees

  • Online Entries: $155 if paid online at https://give.cornerstone.cc/fomnttnorthin+entryfee.
  • In-person/Mailed-in Entries:
    • Checks for $150 must be mailed to the tournament director at the address below and received by Wednesday of Tournament Week.
    • In-person entries must be paid during registration time from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM to avoid $25 late fee.

Bonus Bucks

The "Bonus Bucks" program is designed to increase tournament payout for those who wish to compete for a higher purse. This totally optional program features 100% payback of a $25 per team entry, in a 50%; 30%; 20% split, which will be paid to the three highest finishing teams who elect to enter the "Bonus Bucks" program.

Friday Night Meeting

New for 2025: Friday Night Meetings are mandatory to fish on Saturday. All teams must have at least one original team member present at each meeting from the time the keynote speaker is introduced until the end of the meeting to be eligible to compete in that tournament. A set time will not be established for when the keynote speaker is introduced. Additionally, teams attending the meeting will earn 50 bonus points toward the End-of-the-Year Division Points Championship.

Off-Limits Period

  • The off-limits period for the North Division begins at 5:30 PM on the Friday night before the tournament and lasts until the tournament starts on Saturday morning.
  • Day-of-Tournament Off-Limits areas will be shared during the Friday Night Meeting and/or posted on the individual tournament page or Facebook.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of an unforgettable season of fishing and fellowship. Secure your membership and tournament entries today!

For additional information or questions, please contact your local tournament director.

Director Information

Shawn Hamrick
865 W Van Buren St
Berne, IN 46711
(260) 525-8044

Division Chaplain

Adam Linkonholker 762-822-1165

Division Events

Dallas Chain  Witmer  April 22, 2023  Results  
Lake Manitou  DNR Ramp - Near 3255 Country Club Dr E  May 20, 2023  Results  
Palestine Lake (15 Boat Limit)  DNR Ramp - 3647 IN-25 Mentone, in  June 17, 2023  Results  
Syracuse/Wawasee (15 boats max)  Wawasee Public Access  July 15, 2023  Results  
Barbie Chain  Kuhn Lake Public Access  August 12, 2023  Results  
Lake Waveland - 15 Boat Limit  Park Ramp  September 09, 2023  Results  
Danny Spratt Memorial on Lake Shafer  Monon  November 04, 2023  Details  
Summit Lake     March 23, 2024  Details  
Summit Lake     March 23, 2024  Results  
Geist Reservoir   Olio Rd  April 20, 2024  Results  
Winona  Public Ramp  May 18, 2024  Results  
Manitou  3219 Country Club Dr E  June 22, 2024  Results  
Wawasee  E Medusa St  August 03, 2024  Results  
Shafer    August 24, 2024  Results  
Danny Spratt Memorail Scholarship Tournament - Geist Reservoir   10997 Olio Rd, Fortville, IN 46040  November 09, 2024  Results  
Geist Reservoir   Olio Rd  April 19, 2025  Details  
Dewart Lake  Quaker Haven Ramp  May 17, 2025  Details  
Lake Maxinkuckee  Public Ramp  June 14, 2025  Details  
Tippecanoe Lake  Petey's Boat Ramp  July 12, 2025  Details  
Prairie Creek Res  Public Ramp  August 09, 2025  Details  
Shafer - 3rd Annual Danny Spratt Memorial Scholarship Tournament  Big Monon  November 01, 2025  Details  

Division Standings

2025  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  



Thank-you to our National Sponsors 

Thank-you to our local sponsors:

