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Arkansas Northwest - Legacy

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About This Division

Welcome to the Fenwick Legacy division . Please call me at 870-416-8019. or go to fomntt.com for more info                           

Legacy tournaments are from safe light to 1pm, followed by a meal and a devotional. We always try to have door prizes for all competing juniors. 1 adult and 1or 2 kids that will not turn 19 within the 2024 Calendar Year. IF YOU HAVE 2 JUNIORS IN THE BOAT, ONLY 2 OF THE 3 IN THE BOAT CAN FISH AT A TIME.     Adults must be members of Fishers of Men, juniors competing in Legacy series will recieve free memberships.

There is no friday night meetings, but entries will need to be prepaid buy 3pm friday before tournament, unless special arrangement are made. Mail entries to Bobby Madison,HC70 Box 613 Jasper, Ar,72641. You can also come by Big Bob's Tackle in Bergman Ark to pay entry, this needs to be done by noon friday before tournament day.

or PayPal to bmadison@fomntt.com  . Entry is 80$,includes big bass.   Optional side pot of 25$ (100%) pay back. ADD 5$ TO ALL PAYPAL ENTRIES TO COVER FEES. ex: 85 $ entry 110 $ if you enter bonus bucks.



Fishers Of Men would like to think all our fine sponsors. BassCat Boats,Berkley,Abu-Garcia,Mercury,Spider Wire Dura Braid,Real Tree Fishing,Fire Fly Outdoors and Marine,Power Pole,TH Marine,X2 Power,Frogg Toggs,FSB Mortgage,Jacob's Glass.

Local Sponsors for 2024: Big Bob's Tackle,Anchor Pointe Resort,Hwy 125 Marina, First Baptist Church of Diamond City Ark

Director Information

Bobby Madison
HC 70 Box 613
Jasper, AR 72641
(870) 416-8019

Division Chaplain

John Humbert 573-718-6043 jonhumbert60@gmail.com

Division Events

Bull Shoals Lake  Wing & Fin Resort  May 20, 2023  Results  
Bull Shoals Lake  Diamond City  June 10, 2023  Results  
Bull Shoals Lake  Diamond City  May 04, 2024  Results  
Bull Shoals Lake  Hwy 125 Marina  June 08, 2024  Results  
Bull Shoals Lake  Diamond City  May 03, 2025  Details  
Bull Shoals Lake  Hwy 125 Marina  May 24, 2025  Details  
Bull Shoals Lake  Hwy 125 Marina  June 14, 2025  Details  

Division Standings

2025  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020