2024 High School Team Summer Challenge
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Participation is open to all 9th - 12th grade high school students.
Participation by one (1) seventh or eighth grade student per team is permitted. Each team will consist of two contestants and one Coach/Boat Captain. Coaches/Boat Captains are not allowed to fish.
Pursuant to federal law guidelines under the Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, there MUST be three people to a boat at all times. No exceptions. No angler may register or plan to fish alone. In the case of a verifiable, unplanned emergency, where one partner is unable to participate, only then may a tournament official, at their sole discretion, allow an observer in the boat in place of a fishing partner. The observer may not fish.
No school team or school sponsored club is required to fish the Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge.
Each competitor and Coach/Boat Captain must be a current Fishers of Men member in good standing. High School memberships are free but required. Each team must supply a Coach/Boat Captain that is 19 years of age or older. Click HERE to join or go to https://www.fomntt.com/memberjoinHS.cfm.
Each competitor and Coaches/Boat Captains must complete a “Release of Liability” form and have a legal guardian signature to be eligible to compete.
*Fishers of Men reserves the right to reject any entries which we feel are not in the best interest of the tournament.*
Membership fees are as follows:
High School Membership Free
Memberships are to be completed online prior to fishing.
High School Membership: Eligibility to compete in or to be a Coach/Boat Captain in Fishers of Men High School events only.
There will be a $50 entry fee for the Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge.
Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge events will have no set limit to the maximum number of anglers, unless mandated by state or local government. However, the minimum number of teams allowed is 3. If there are less than 3 teams entered, the tournament will be cancelled, and entries returned.
Each team is required to bring a Coach/Boat Captain to all events, NO EXCEPTIONS. All Coaches/Boat Captains must be 19 years of age or older and must be a current Fishers of Men member with a High School Membership, Individual membership, or Family membership.
There will be a mandatory online pre-tournament devotional video prior to each event. At least one team member must view the video for the team to be eligible to compete. It is the responsibility of each competitor to set aside time to view the video prior to competing.
The purchasing of, or bartering for, information about locating or catching fish on tournament waters, including but not limited to GPS waypoints (other than through commercially available sources) and the hiring of fishing guide services is not permitted by contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains or anyone working on a team’s behalf within 10 days of the start of the Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge, or at any time or day during the multi-day event . Violation of this rule may result in disqualification. A team may not pay a Coach/Boat Captain for their services. A team may reimburse a Coach/Boat Captain for actual fuel and travel expenses related to the tournament. However, a team or anyone acting on a team’s behalf, may NOT pay or “hire” a Coach/Boat Captain for their time or knowledge. Contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains, parents (anyone acting on a team’s behalf) may not buy or barter a fishing location from anyone.
There will be no off-limits period or official practice days for the Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge.
Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times. All competitors and Coaches/Boat Captains are required to wear Coast Guard approved personal floatation devices, securely fastened at all times while the combustion engine is propelling the boat.
***A “chest type” Life vest must be worn by all High School anglers. Inflatable life preservers are NOT allowed for High School anglers. ***
Inflatable devices may only be worn by the Coaches/Boat Captains, and a “chest type” life vest of the correct size MUST be on board for the Coach/Boat Captain. Furthermore, a kill switch must be fastened to the driver any time the combustion engine is propelling the boat. Failure to do so is grounds for disqualification.
All persons in a tournament boat shall remain seated in a manufacturer-recommended on-plane seating location with a driver behind the steering wheel or at the tiller in full control of the boat whenever it is on plane, or the combustion engine is running and in gear. Sitting on pedestal seats while the combustion engine is in operation and in gear is not permitted. High School anglers are not permitted to drive the boat when the combustion engine is running. Safe boat conduct must be always observed by contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains.
Running lights must be operational.
All boats must be propeller-driven and a minimum of 16 feet in length. No barges or similarly cumbersome craft will be permitted. Pontoon and tri-toon boats that meet all other requirements under this rule are permitted. Each boat must have all required U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. Maximum horsepower for all outboards used in tournament competition shall not exceed the horsepower capacity set forth on the “Maximum Capacities” placard described below. Each boat must have a clearly legible “Maximum Capacities” (or comparably titled) placard that includes a maximum horsepower rating affixed to the boat by the manufacturer. The horsepower of the outboard engine must not exceed the maximum horsepower capacity specified on this placard. By signing the entry form, contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains agree to submit their boat and/or motor to an inspection by tournament officials. Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower numbers on the motor or rating placard will be cause for disqualification from the tournament and may result in ineligibility to compete in future High School Fishing tournaments. Fishing platforms must be factory-installed equipment or commercially available aftermarket equipment that is permanently installed in the boat. No portable platforms may be used in tournament competition. Fuel may be carried only in factory-installed (built-in) fuel tanks or auxiliary fuel tanks that are securely strapped or otherwise fastened to the boat. Any additional fuel used during the tournament day must be purchased from a retail facility open to the public and pumped through a hose with a nozzle. During the tournament, no portable gas tanks or containers capable of holding gasoline can be placed anywhere on the waters or shoreline for use by any tournament competitor.
Coaches/Boat Captains will supply and drive boats for their teams or arrange Coaches/Boat Captains to supply and drive boats for their teams. To qualify as a Coach/Boat Captain, the person or persons accompanying a team must be at least 19 years old. Bass guides who operate or have operated for hire at any time during the previous 12 months from the tournament date on the designated tournament waters are not permitted as Coaches/Boat Captains unless they are the parent or documented permanent legal guardian of one of the contestants on a team in the event. A guide is defined as anyone who is paid for their time and knowledge to take someone fishing. Written proof of permanent legal guardianship to the satisfaction of the tournament director may be required. The use of a guide as defined above will result in disqualification. Contestants may operate the trolling motor. Coaches/Boat Captains may provide assistance, including information about locating and catching fish, but are not permitted to fish on competition days. Coaches/Boat Captains are not permitted to assist competitors in landing fish. Contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains may not use mobile communication devices of any kind, including but not limited to, phones, tablets, radios, etc., to communicate with anyone about locating or catching fish on tournament waters during tournament hours. Mobile communication devices may be used during tournament hours to communicate with lockmasters about locking, or to communicate with designated tournament officials. Contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains may use smart phones and/or tablets during tournament hours for GPS, mapping, weather, power generation, barge traffic updates, tidal charts, personal fishing notes and related data. At no time during tournament hours may contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains read or discuss social media posts from other contestants.
All contestants, Coaches/Boat Captains are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation and to conduct themselves in a manner that will be a credit to themselves, Fishers of Men, tournaments sponsors, the school the team is representing, the sport of fishing, and our combined efforts to promote the sport. Conduct not complying with these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Violation of, or failure to comply with, any of these rules.
• Consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or any kind of mind-altering substance during registration, the pretournament meeting or during tournament hours extending through the weigh-in procedure.
• Abuse of, or addiction to, mind-altering substances.
• Conviction of a felony within the past 36 months.
• Suspension/disqualification, probation or ban from any tournament or fishing organization.
• Boat operation in an unsafe or unsportsmanlike manner.
• Violation of a posted no-wake area.
• Publicly criticizing or questioning the integrity of Fishers of Men SAF or their officials, including but not limited to any rules, policies and procedures.
• Dissemination of disparaging content or content that one should reasonably know would harm the reputation of Fishers of Men officials and sponsors.
• In case of any conduct not complying with the standards outlined above, tournament officials have the right to refuse an application to compete, to deny a confirmed application to compete, to disqualify a contestant or impose any penalty outlined herein.
No angler may fish within 50 yards of any other boat which is anchored with the trolling motor up. Spot-locked is not considered to be anchored. Furthermore, no angler may fish within 25 yards of any other boat without the other boater’s permission. Permission may not be granted to any angler at the exclusion of any other angler. No hole sitting by a non-competitor or by another competitor, to aid a tournament participant will not be allowed.
All participants are expected to abide by all state and federal laws and game regulations. Any angler who intentionally violates a law or regulation to gain an unfair advantage will be disqualified. In the case of multiple governing authorities, the strictest law is applicable.
Tournament hours will be set by the tournament director and will be posted in the tournament details, on the Fishing Chaos app or website. The director may adjust or change the tournament hours as needed if unsafe conditions become a threat.
A limit of 5 bass (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted bass) per team may be scored. Minimum lengths will be set at the discretion of the division director but at no time will be less than the legal limit. Lengths will be measured with mouth closed. A short fish or slot fish submitted will not be counted and will result in a 12-inch penalty. On any water where State or local laws prohibit culling or impose limits of less than 5 fish, the state or local laws will replace the above as the rule.
Each event will pay out 3 places, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Payment will be awarded electronically, if possible, and by mailed check if electronic payment is not available, as soon as possible after all entries have been judged and the final scoring is completed, using the email, cell phone, or mailing information submitted through the Fishers of Men membership database or from information collected during registration.
Competitors shall always remain with their Coach/Boat Captain in the boat during the tournament, except in the event of sickness or brief excursions for "nature calling", severe storm or other such hazard. It is permitted for a competitor to leave the boat for marina services. During competition, competitors and Coaches/Boat Captains may leave the boat to dislodge it, but only to return the boat in the direction it came from. Leaving the boat, on a competition day, to advance it is not permitted. (In falling water conditions, a team may leave the boat to advance it only to return from water they accessed without leaving the boat.)
In the event of an emergency, teams should contact proper authorities first, then students’ parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and tournament director.
Virtual events are not subject to protests. The Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail reserves the right to give a polygraph or other truth verification test to any participant at any time. This test does not have to be administered on site and may be set up by the tournament director at his discretion. All participants agree to abide by the results of any polygraph or other truth verification test administered. In the event of a protest and an off-site polygraph or other truth verification test the tournament director will have the option of mailing all the prizes/trophies to the winning team(s), pending the outcome of the test.
All members must carry a minimum of $100,000 of liability insurance on any boat they use during any Fishers of Men Tournament. Failure to do so, or reporting of false information will result in disqualification of catch. Participants must include the company name and either the policy number or the name of the agent binding the coverage on the entry form for each tournament.
The violation of a tournament rule by either team member or Coach/Boat Captain may result in disqualification of longest fish, disqualification of all fish up to a particular time in the tournament day (eligible for a restart), disqualification of all fish for the entire day, disqualification for the entire tournament or, in an extreme circumstance, ineligibility to participate in future FOM events.
If a team is disqualified from a tournament it will result in disqualification of all fish and score reset to Zero. If the director feels that their violation was a willful attempt to gain an unfair advantage or to intentionally cheat, then the director has the right to refuse entry from that team or team members in the future and may inform all other Fishers of Men directors of the situation.
These rules will remain unchanged for the current season unless unforeseen circumstances create a situation where changes are necessary. The Fishers of Men National Office reserves the right to amend and/or adjust these rules if necessary.
It is the tournament director’s responsibility to enforce all of these rules as they are written. Infractions of any rule may result in a penalty or disqualification of catch. In any issue not specifically covered in these rules the director must contact the National Office before making a ruling
24. VIRTUAL SCORING PROCEDURES (borrowed (and edited), with permission, from FOMKF)
Each team may submit as many fish as they would like, from multiple days during the event, through the Fishing Chaos App, with photo on an approved Ketch Board measuring device. Each fish must have at least a half inch difference or other noticeable difference. After 5 fish have been submitted, the Fishing Chaos App will automatically cull the shortest fish each time an additional fish is submitted. There is no benefit to submitting any fish shorter than the 5 already in your catch. Fish will be caught, measured, photographed, and released. All fish will be immediately released unharmed after photo has been taken. Fish will be measured to the nearest ¼”, rounding down.
Each fish can only be submitted once. The 5 longest lengths added together will be the total score.
All entries, including photos must uploaded within 60 minutes of the official stop time on each/any day the team is competing. (Official fishing hours may vary from day to day)
Each submission will be reviewed online by the tournament director, or an officially designated judge. All submissions will be listed on the leaderboard but are not considered official until approved. Submissions that do not meet the requirements will be disqualified.
Each team will be given a unique identifier for the day. Identifier must be visible in each photo. Photo must include the entire fish. If photo cuts off part of fish, the last measurement visible is what is awarded.
The student anglers must perform all scoring activities. No help shall be given landing, measuring, photographing, or releasing the fish. Tournament director will have final say on disqualification if suspicions are brought forth.
Measuring Device
The Ketch Board is the only official and acceptable measuring device. It is available for purchase directly from Ketch Products or several online retailers/resellers. Measuring devices must be marked to the ¼”. Markings on the measuring device must be clear and legible to the ¼”.
If a measuring device cannot be read, measurement will be rounded down to nearest legible mark.
Submission App
Fishing Chaos is the official scorekeeper application for the Realtree Fishing 2023 High School Team Summer Challenge. Each team must download the app prior to fishing. Each team is responsible for having a smartphone capable of running the App. Inability of a team to submit fish due to device failure, battery loss, phone overboard, etc., will forfeit the opportunity to submit them (it is suggested to have a spare available. Be prepared for the unexpected)
Tournament entry details and link, with all of the supporting information, including a link to download the ‘app is available in the Fishing Chaos website. https://fishingchaos.com/ .
No Submissions will be allowed through any other means.
Submission and Scoring Guidelines
Fish visibly unharmed.
Fish must face the left.
Dorsal fin must be facing upward.
Tail unpinched.
Lip of fish must be touching end of measuring device and mouth closed. Fish with open mouths will be deducted 1/2” for fish under 18” or 1” for fish over 18”.
Assigned identifier must be visible.
No restraints around the fish to hold fish to the Ketch Board.
No hands over the fish’s eyes or gill plates.
Any photos with hands under the fish's gill plate will be disqualified.
All fish must be photographed at the time of catch and taken from inside the boat.
Photos must be taken directly from above, not at an angle.
Photo must be taken by same angler who caught fish.
25. Ties
In the event of a tie, the team with the longest fish submitted will win break the tie. In the event the teams are still tied, the earliest submitted longest fish will win the tie.
Teams may launch from any public launch site on the designated body of water. Launching from private launch sites or landings is also allowed, so long as permission has been received form the owner, and if it does not give a team access to water that other competitors are unable to access.
Teams may enter the water prior to official start time but are not allowed to have lines in the water before the official App time.
(Acceptance/Agreement required during registration)
In consideration for permission to voluntarily participate in tournaments, events, programs, and related activities conducted by Fishers of Men, I acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that: The risk of injury, disability, death, loss or damage to my person or property from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; AND, I have been advised by Fishers of Men Ministries Inc., Realtree Fishing and Fishing Chaos, and have had the opportunity to seek legal counsel with respect to the legal effect of this document; AND, I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL RISKS REFERRED TO ABOVE, BOTH KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE FISHERS OF MEN MINISTRIES INC., REALTREE FISHING AND FISHING CHAOS, THEIR OFFICERS, OFFICIALS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, AGENTS, AND/OR EMPLOYEES, OTHER PARTICIPANTS, AND SPONSORING AGENCIES, SPONSORS, ADVERTISERS, THEIR PARENT AND AFFILAITE COMPANIES AND, IF APPLICABLE, OWNERS AND LESSORS OF PREMISES AND PROPERTY USED TO CONDUCT THE EVENT (“RELEASEES”) OR OTHERS, AND ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR RISKS ARISING FROM MY PARTICIPATION; AND, I willingly agree to comply with the terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the immediate attention of the nearest official; AND I, FOR MYSELF AND ON BEHALF OF MY HEIRS, ASSIGNS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND NEXT OF KIN, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS RELEASEES, WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY, WHICH I SUFFER OR WHICH I AM FOUND TO HAVE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY MY NEGLIGENCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES, OR OTHERWISE, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. I agree to submit, by signature on this document, to a polygraph or voice stress analysis examination. Hereinafter known as a truth verification test, and abide by its conclusion. Truth verification test(s) will be used at Fishers of Men sole discretion, and administered by Fishers of Men or its agents. I understand that failure to pass the examination as determined by Fishers of Men will result in disqualification. I certify that the number shown on these forms is my correct taxpayer identification number. Having fully acquainted myself with the tournament rules, I have completed this application and submit it for my entry. In signing this application, and by my presence at the event, I hereby agree to be bound by and comply with all tournament rules, participant release of liability and safety regulations. I expressly assume all risks associated with the tournament. If I am using a boat during the official practice or the event, I certify that I now have, or will obtain prior to the event, property damage\ watercraft liability insurance having a reasonable limit. Said insurance must cover injury and/or damage incurred in connection with the event. Upon request, I will provide satisfactory evidence of said insurance. I certify that training compliant with the Safe Sports Act of 2017 has been made available to me this year. I hereby wave my rights of privacy or publicity with regard to the unconditional right to use my name, voice, photographic likeness, video and biographical information and fishing tips and instructions in connection with any reproduction of same, video\audio productions and\or articles and press releases by Fishers of Men Ministries Inc., Realtree Fishing and Fishing Chaos, their parent or affiliate companies, and those acting under their permission, anywhere at any time, through any medium or media. I shall not be entitled to receive any royalties or other compensation in connection with such use. I further understand and agree that the tournament officials reserve the right to reject my application for any reason whatsoever.
(Acceptance/Agreement/Approval required during registration)
PARTICIPANTS OF MINORITY AGE (UNDER AGE 18 AT TIME OF REGISTRATION) This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child's involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Director InformationDanny East8206 Lantern Lane Columbus, GA 31904 (706) 315-3802 |
Division Chaplain |
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