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Texas Central - Legacy

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About This Division


I am Jimmy Bennett and I will be the Director this year.  

The Fenwick Legacy Series is a relaxed family centered fishing series. This format allows the avid fishermen to compete in a first class event while allowing junior anglers the opportunity to experience the excitement and competition of tournament fishing. In Legacy the adult member is required to purchase a Fishers of Men membership but junior angler's fish free.

Each Legacy team must consist of one adult and one or more juniors with only two members fishing at one time. No solo fishing in Legacy Tournaments. An Adult/Junior team is defined as a team with one member who has reached his/her nineteenth birthday before January 1 of the current year and at least one other member who has not reached his/her nineteenth birthday on or before January 1, of the current year. Those under 18 years of age, not fishing with a parent, must have written permission from a parent or guardian. Each competitor in each tournament, including championships, must be a current Fishers of Men member in good standing. No membership is required for a legal substitute, as described in rule #17, fishing one tournament as a sub.

There will be no off limits or official practice days for Legacy events except during the pre-tournament meeting hours. Teams may not have the assistance of any non-competitor for the purpose of locating or catching fish on the competition day. The use of electronic communication devices for the purpose of sharing fishing information during tournament hours is also prohibited.

A championship is held at the end of the tournament year prior to the kids returning to school. To qualify for this event a team must fish in one Legacy Series event and pay the $100.00 entry fee. Any team finishing in the top 15% or top 10, whichever is greater, will be eligible to fish in the Team Series Championship with a chance to win one of the BassCat/Mercury prize packages.

You must be a member and memberships are to be completed online or submitted to the division director prior to fishing your first tournament. To get your membership CLICK HERE

Membership fees are as follows:

Individual membership     $40 + $2.50 processing fee per person   

 Family Membership   $60 + $2.50 processing fee per family

Memberships are to be completed online or submitted to the division director prior to fishing your first tournament.

Individual Membership Benefits: Eligibility to compete in any Fishers of Men Tournament.

Family Membership Benefits: Eligibility for the member and any immediate family member residing in the same household to compete in any Fishers of Men Tournament. **Any junior partner can be included in a family membership, whether that junior is an immediate family member residing in the same household or not.

Director Information

Jimmy Bennett
431 Lakeland Park Circle
Mart, TX 76664
(254) 716-9145

Division Chaplain

Division Events

Lake LBJ  Robinhood Park  March 01, 2025  Details  
Lake Stillhouse  Marina Ramp  March 29, 2025  Details  
Lake Belton  Cedar Ridge Cove Pavilion  April 05, 2025  Details  
Lake Belton  Temple Lake Park  April 19, 2025  Details  

Division Standings

2025  2024