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1st Annual Fishers of Men Baptisms and Bass Ministry Fundraiser Open Torunament
****No memberhsip required****
Lake Lanier
Little Hall Ramp
Saturday June 17th
Safe light to 3pm
80 Boats MAX!!!
$150 Entry fee ($95 payback plus $5 Big Fish)
$25 Bonus Bucks **Optional** (100% payback)
Our mission at Fishers of Men is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been blessed this season to have 3 salvations. As a part of developing a personal relationship with Jesus, many people feel an important step in their walk with Christ, is the public profession of their faith through baptism. As an organization, we are not taking any particular stance on baptism, however, regardless of your reasoning for being baptized, we want to offer the opportunity for you to do so. Maybe this is your first opportunity, maybe you were baptized many years ago and you feel the need to recommit your walk with Christ and want to be baptized again, we encourage you to take advantag of this opportunity. This is not just for our fisherman. This opportunity is also extended to everyone, fishing or not. How great would it be for fathers, mothers and their kids to be baptized as a family!!
Becuase there are different beliefs where baptism is concerned, I am hoping to have pastors/ministers from several of the community churches present. Maybe you want your pastor to baptize you and/or your family, pelase have them reach out to me as they are welcome, and encouraged, to attend. We truly want this to be a family and community focused event.
I will have food and drinks for everyone after the weigh-in!! Additionally, there will also be an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets and win some great prizes!!
You can pre-register here and lock your blast off position in, or you can pay at the ramp the morning of the torunament. You can also reach out to me to register for baptism with your preferences. Let me know if your pastor is to perform the baptism. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me. We look forward to seeing you there.
Roster Information:
Lake Lanier - 06/17/23
Place | Team | Members | # Fish | Big Fish | Gross | Penalty | Net Wt | Points | |