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Date: April 19,2025

Lake: Center Hill

Launch: Cookeville Boat Dock

Time: Safe light till 3:00 P.M.

Friday night meeting: April 18,2025

Meeting location: 13098 Cookville Boat Dock Road Baxter Tn. 38544 NOTE: You can not pull your boat to the meeting. If you need to leave your boat and truck at boat ramp, a 5 miniute shultle will be avaliable.

Meeting time: Registration 5:15- 6:00 Meal 6:00-6:30 Devotionial starts at 6:30 then will go over rules & blast off numbers.

NOTE: We are now a mandatory meeting division. At least 1 team member must be present at the Friday night meeting before the devotional starts to fish on Saturday. If you are late (after devotional starts) but there before 7:00 P.M. you can fish but will start with a 5 pound penalty. After 7:00 P.M. you will not be allowed to fish the tournament.

                                                                                                  How to enter

You must get your FOM membership online before tounament entry will be accepted (the sooner the better). Go to Tn. Central home page & enter Tn. Central for your division.

You can mail entry & check to director Harry Smith 2315 Battle Creek Road Springfield Tn. 37172 ( need to receive by Wednesday before the tournament).

You can pay on pay pal. Go to Tn. Central home page.

You can pay at registration with no late fee with check or cash only.

All rules can be seen on FOB web site.

Feel free to contact me with any questions. hsmith@fomntt.com call or text 615-533-5125

If you fish a lot or just wanting to try something new, we would love to have you join us.We will have draw prizes at our Friday night meetings. Never know what might happen at weigh in but you will have to be there to find out.

                                        ALWAYS: Let us enjoy GODS Beautiful Creation. We are truly BLESSED.

Roster Information:


Center Hill - 04/19/25

Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points