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    Recordcount: 13

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What an incredible weekend we had for the kickoff of the 2025 season. Fishers of Men Texas Central started 2025 with an absolute bang. This incredible weekend started off with registration held at First Baptist Church of Granite Shoals. The Crane Family as well as the Garcia family served smoked pork butt, beans, potato salad, coleslaw, chips and a boat load of cookies. This is the third year they have volunteered to serve the anglers and their families; we are so grateful for both families; they have blessed us tremendously. It was a fantastic meal, and everyone got their fill.

Jimmy Bennett was put on the spot, kind of a last-minute request to give a message, he of course, was fully prepared to do so. He spoke to the crowd about the God he serves, the creator of the universe, the one that placed each star in its place, the one that knows each one of us.  It was a great message that left an impact on several folks. Jimmy also shared about the new Fishers of Men Legacy Division that he is running right here in Central Texas this season.

Brother Bill Shelnutt passed a piece cord down each table for every person to tie a knot in, he then asked for each person to say a short prayer over that knot, a prayer regarding a blessed marriage. He presented the cords to Ty & Maycie Eller (the newlyweds) and told them to reflect upon the cords during tough times and know that all those knots represent prayers people prayed especially for their marriage. The newlyweds were surprised and very appreciative.

We ended the festivities with a massive raffle, in true Texas Central style!!! We had decided to donate all the money raised during the raffle to one of our angler’s family members who had lost everything she had to a flood. Anglers and dug deep and showed out for this effort in a mighty way, at the end of the event we donated $3,000.00 dollars to this individual, what a wonderful group of anglers we have, to be so generous and loving, to give from your heart to someone in need, so amazing…

Saturday morning met us with some frigid temperatures, it was 38 degrees as we pulled up to the ramp tom begin boat checks. We played the National Anthem and said a prayer before launching out all the boats, as they ran across the lake from spot to spot looking for their biggest five, this director went back to the house to warm up… Brrr. 

At the end of the day, we saw a wide range of ranged results, some anglers were able to catch fish all day, some did not find one that was willing to bite, we did not have a large majority of teams with 5 fish limits, but we had others that found the right ones.

The team of Brennan Fertig and James Beauchamp certainly found them with a limit weighing in at 17.68lbs, they took the first-place spot and got Big Bass Honors with a good one weighing in at 6.64lbs. Bryan Cotter and Mark Wilson finished up with a second-place finish, they came to the scales with a limit weighing 17.30lbs. Gus Chavira and Toby Turner found five for third place with a total of 17.11lbs. Fourth place was secured by Courtney Hobgood and Garrett Dokter with an impressive limit weighing 15.01. Fifth place went to Mitch Randles and Don Schuetze, the team had a limit of 14.33lbs. Sixth place team of Jayson and Lake Kisselburg, the father / son team had a total of 12.38lbs. Seventh place was taken by the team of Chance Allen and Jared Siegeler with a total of 11.9lbs. Andy Whitehead and Kevin Hurley finished out the last paid spot with a limit of 11.45lbs.

The weigh-in ended with us giving back two entry fees to lucky teams, the teams of Shawn Fischer and Christopher Noel as well as Jonas Holmes and Basil Parks won entry fees back.

We concluded the day with men and women gathering to pray over our prayer cards, it was truly a wonderful moment. Ending the event in this manner was very powerful, it was obvious that God met us right there at that table, his presence is so great.

Thank you so much to all of those that helped pull the wagon for this event. Ty Eller, Maycie Eller, Melissa Eller, Nathan Eller, Chris Eller, Colton Eller, (Lot of Ellers’ named there).. Bill Shelnutt, Jimmy Bennett and everyone else that gives a hand and helps.


Fishers of Men Texas Central could not do any of this without the help and support of great companies like Diamond M Land Management, Healthy Self DPC, Bingham Marine Texas, Custom Truck & Wheel of Killeen, Rockin P Construction, Tyler Wrap Co, Forage Lures, Coda Lures, Pro-Tec Products, Fish Life Fish Care Products, TFO Outdoors.

Fishers of Men would like to thank all our National Sponsors, listed alphabetically; Abu Garcia, BassCat Boats, Berkley, Frogg Toggs, Jacobs Glass, Mercury, Power-Pole, Realtree Fishing, Spiderwire DuraBraid, and X2 Power.



Stren Lake LBJ - 01/25/25



Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 33008 Brennan Fertig
James Beauchamp
5 6.64 17.68 0 17.68 200

2 33014 Bryan Cotter
Mark Wilson
5 0 17.3 0 17.3 199

3 29646 Gus Chavira
Toby Turner
5 4.09 17.11 0 17.11 198

5 5.04 15.01 0 15.01 197

5 29565 Mitch Randles
Don Schuetze
5 4.42 14.33 0 14.33 146

6 29572 Jayson Kisselburg
Lake Kisselburg
5 0 12.38 0 12.38 195

7 33009 Chance Allen
Jared Siegeler
5 0 11.9 0 11.9 144

8 33007 Andy Whitehead
kevin hurley
4 0 11.45 0 11.45 193

9 33025 Tom Gridley
Daren Sebek
5 0 10.69 0 10.69 192

10 31601 Justin Williams
Colton Hill
3 4.97 10.35 0 10.35 191

11 33048 Jimmy Bennett
Daniel Miller
4 0 9.6 0 9.6 190

12 32989 Jared Smith
Chase Anders
5 0 9.39 0 9.39 189

13 32991 Jonas Holmes
Basil Parks
4 0 8.78 0 8.78 188

14 33004 Garrett Stone
Christian Cruanyas
3 0 7.8 0 7.8 137

15 29598 Mike Sedillo
Justin Rathbun
2 3.97 7.46 0 7.46 186

16 32998 Utah Anderson
Carson Sommers
3 0 7.48 0.25 7.23 135

3 0 6.48 0 6.48 184

18 33012 Chester Jenke
Trevor Rogge
2 0 6.23 0 6.23 183

19 29596 David Titus
Daniel Titus
3 0 6.2 0 6.2 182

20 33026 Xavier Moreno
Jacob Moreno
1 5.51 5.51 0 5.51 181

21 33000 Hal Gatewood
Sherman Kurtz
3 0 5.38 0 5.38 180

22 33001 Earl Loggains
Leisha Loggains
2 3.01 4.5 0 4.5 179

23 32993 Steve Bible
Rob Patterson
2 0 4.02 0 4.02 178

24 29559 Nathan Eller
Christopher Eller
2 0 3.26 0 3.26 177

25 33013 Danny Briley
Brett Meyers
1 2.66 2.66 0 2.66 176

26 30228 Christopher Noel
Shawn Fischer
1 2.22 2.22 0 2.22 175

27 29595 Marlon Powell
Carlton Bryant
1 1.92 1.92 0 1.92 124

28 29558 Erik Olson
Kory Grelle
1 1.66 1.66 0 1.66 173

29 29564 William Shelnutt
Michael Smith
1 1.38 1.38 0 1.38 172

30 33017 Andreas Aguiree
Malcolm Miller
1 1.31 1.31 0 1.31 121

31 32990 Jayce Payne
Jaxon Payne
0 0 0 0 0 170

32 32992 Jordan Hamlin
Scott Hamlin
0 0 0 0 0 170

33 32996 Will Vanderhoeven
John Koons
0 0 0 0 0 170

34 33002 Shannon Goad
Tyler Eller
0 0 0 0 0 170

35 33003 Gary Johnson
Seth Fisher
0 0 0 0 0 170

36 33005 Austin Talasek
Kyler Roberts
0 0 0 0 0 120

37 33006 Aaron Garcia
Larry Crane
0 0 0 0 0 170

38 33010 Collin Lansdale
Ben Morton
0 0 0 0 0 120

39 33011 Brandon Miller
Ryan Miller
0 0 0 0 0 170

40 33034 Terry Deloach
0 0 0 0 0 120

1st Place Team of Brennan Ferig and Randall Beauchamp with a solid Limit weighing 17.68 and Big Bass Honor of a good one weighing 6.64lbs

Bryan Cotter and Mark Wilson take second place with a limit weighing 17.30lbs

Third Place goes to Gus Chavira and Toby Turner with a limit that tilted the scales to 17.11lbs

Fourth Place was secured by the team of Courtney Hobgood and Garrett Dokter with a limit of 15.01

Fifth place went to Mitch Randles and Don Schuetze with a limit weighing 14.33

Jayson and Lake Kisselburg hang on to the 6th place position with 12.38lbs

Chance Allen and Jared Siegeler take 7th place with 11.9lbs

Andy Whitehead and Kevin Hurley take 8th place with a limit of 11.45lb