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    Recordcount: 14

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Fishers of Men Texas Central Legacy event number 1 has come and gone. What a beautiful day the anglers were presented on Lake LBJ in Marble Falls, TX. Seven Teams showed up for the first event to battle it out on LBJ. The bass are moving up quickly, some big girls were spotted moving up and preparing for that early spring magic to happen. Teams were diligently trying to capitalize on that specific activity.

Jimmy Bennett spoke a bit about the importance of the Legacy tournaments, and the bonding of adult and youth while enjoying time on the water taking in Gods creation.

Texas Central Legacy Division would like to recognize and thank Berkley , BassCat Boats, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Fenwick, Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, Frogg Toggs, X2 Power and Jacobs Glass

Legacy Tournment Lake LBJ - 03/01/25



Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 34362 Jimmy Bennett
Jayse Bennett
5 0 15.19 0 15.19 150

2 34426 Jared Smith
Brady Smith
5 0 14.06 0 14.06 149

3 34427 James Leiskau
Luke Leiskau
5 0 13.86 0 13.86 148

4 34405 Charles Moden
Daniel Miller
2 0 5.59 0 5.59 147

5 34406 Paul Miller
Isaac Miller
2 0 5.37 0 5.37 146

6 34428 Jared Siegeler
Chance Allen
2 0 4.12 0 4.12 145

7 34425 Brandon Miller
Ryan Miller
1 2.25 2.25 0 2.25 144

First Place Team of Jimmy Bennett and his son Newly, they found a limit of fish weighing 15.19lbs

Second Place went to Jared Smith and Brady Smith with a limit weighing 14.06lbs

James and Luke Leiskau slid into third place with 13.86lbs

Charlie Moden and Daniel Miller finished the day with 5.59lbs

Paul Miller and son Isaac with a few for the day weighing 5.37. Paul trying to make it look bigger

Brandon Miller and Son Ryan with one they found.

First Legacy event, a great day was had by all.