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Liveoak Agency Lake Martin Tournament

The Liveoak Agency Lake Martin Tournament was a huge success! Had a fantastic day for a tournament! The Lord blessed us with perfect weather and a great time on the water. We had 58 boats. Marty and Kimberly Giddens took first place and big fish honors with 17.16 pounds and a 5.50 pound large mouth! Steve Callins and Chris Wilson were second with 11.83 pounds. John Wilson and Roxy Payne took third with 11.15 pounds. A special thanks to all our volunteers. Looking forward to seeing everyone next month at Lake Mitchell. #fomnation #russellmarine

Stren Lake Martin - 01/23/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 26626 Marty Giddens
Kimberly Giddens
5 5.5 17.16 0 17.16 200

2 613 Steve Callins
Chris Wilson
5 3.77 11.83 0 11.83 199

3 26610 John Wilson
Roxanne Wilson
5 3.2 11.15 0 11.15 198

4 26677 Jeremiah Vernon
Brent Reaves
5 0 10.85 0 10.85 197

5 26685 Payton Goggans
Shane Turner
5 0 10.06 0 10.06 196

6 26689 Steven Welcher
5 4.34 9.97 0 9.97 195

7 22543 Sam Fish
Donald Fish Jr
5 4.61 9.81 0 9.81 194

8 26619 Justin Sightler
David Copeland
5 0 9.81 0 9.81 193

9 26625 Shane Thompson
Beverly Thompson
5 0 9.78 0 9.78 192

10 26676 Joel Hughes
Dean Robinson
5 0 9.73 0 9.73 191

11 9362 Mike Cartee
Jordan Cartee
5 0 9.47 0 9.47 190

12 23809 Steven Corvin
Steven Corvin Jr
5 0 9.08 0 9.08 189

13 26613 Keith Mann
Chad Newbolt
5 0 9.03 0 9.03 188

14 26683 Joel Smith
Mike Autry
5 2.57 8.93 0 8.93 187

15 15974 Joe Minor
Danny Morris
5 0 8.79 0 8.79 186

16 26678 Justin Taunton
Carson Taunton
5 0 8.47 0 8.47 135

17 26688 Justin Foster
John Wade
5 0 8.44 0 8.44 184

18 26612 Noah Hilyer
Stan Hallman
5 0 8.4 0 8.4 183

19 15897 Paul Vaccaro
Steve Drinnon
5 0 8.32 0 8.32 182

20 24456 Keith Phillips
Chris Rounsavall
5 0 8.27 0 8.27 181

21 23804 Stephen Perry
Anderson Casey
5 0 8.24 0 8.24 180

22 25123 Garland Scott
Kerry Waggoner
5 0 8.19 0 8.19 179

23 26624 Jonathan Clark
Joe Fitzgerald
5 0 8.06 0 8.06 178

24 7563 William Russell
Norman Buce
5 3.14 7.93 0 7.93 177

25 26618 Aaron Murchison
Mark Murchison
5 0 7.92 0 7.92 176

26 26679 Stewart Lucas Jr
Bj Johnson
5 0 7.91 0 7.91 175

27 26674 David Sherrill
Thomas Edwards
5 0 7.74 0 7.74 174

28 17140 Michael Thrower
Walter Lawrence
5 0 7.7 0 7.7 173

29 26614 Billy Wesson
Mike Conway
5 0 7.63 0 7.63 172

30 19874 Bryan Selix
Wes Scardina
5 0 7.55 0 7.55 171

31 26609 Bruce Sargent
Jonathan Trowbridge
5 0 7.51 0 7.51 120

32 13206 Bobby Sanders
Troy Shirley
5 0 7.43 0 7.43 169

33 19966 Larry Harvey
Charles Davis
5 0 7.42 0 7.42 168

34 26621 Brian Moye
Kim Moye
5 0 7.4 0 7.4 167

35 25208 Kenneth Young
Hoit McDonald
5 0 7.38 0 7.38 166

36 26623 Matthew Higgins
5 0 7.05 0 7.05 165

37 26686 Jason Tomlin
Tommy Hensley
5 0 7.01 0 7.01 164

38 25179 Harvey Starling
Darrin Gibson
5 0 7 0 7 163

39 26617 Joshua West
Gregory Pulliam
5 0 6.73 0 6.73 162

40 26681 Dusty Robinson
5 0 6.71 0 6.71 161

41 26691 Thad Crowley
Haley Adams
5 0 6.57 0 6.57 160

42 25195 Buck Brackin
Michael Cox
5 0 6.56 0 6.56 159

43 26690 Michael Ward
Mark Syck
5 0 6.18 0 6.18 158

44 25122 Michael White
Jeff Williamson
4 0 5.81 0 5.81 157

45 26675 Mike Hill
4 0 5.75 0 5.75 156

46 609 Hubble Sowards
Mark Watson
5 0 5.08 0 5.08 155

47 22866 Don Johnson
Mitchell Bishop
4 0 5.03 0 5.03 154

48 23651 Brooks Holland
Stewart Lucas Sr
3 0 4.4 0 4.4 153

49 12309 Rick Jacobs
Heath Rolling
5 0 4.36 0 4.36 152

50 26615 John Burt
John Burt Jr.
3 0 3.56 0 3.56 151

51 26680 Christopher Weaver
Michael Weaver
3 0 3.33 0 3.33 150

52 26687 Andrew Kelley
Shelby Dirickson
2 0 2.36 0 2.36 149

53 26611 Randy Culver
Terry Burton
0 0 0 0 0 148

54 26616 Randy Evans
Jonathan Watkins
0 0 0 0 0 148

55 25178 Stephen walters
Stephen Walters, JR
0 0 0 0 0 148

56 26692 Rob Lee
Michael Findley
0 0 0 0 0 98

57 26620 Tim Herman
Todd Clark
0 0 0 0 0 148

58 26622 William Andrews
John Harden
0 0 0 0 0 148