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    Recordcount: 13

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Tournament will go out of Lake Tyler Marina.  Texas North Central does not have any Off-Limits time for the 2021 season.

Registration and boat check will be open at 4:30 am.

Meeting will be held at ramp during weigh-in.  Food will be provided.

Official blast off time will be annouced closer to tournament date.



~~~Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Mercury, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Spiderwire, Shakespeare,   Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, BassBoat Technologies, Amphibia Eyewear, Gator Guards, FroggToggs and Jacobs Glass

Stren Lake Tyler - 04/24/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 22458 Shane Gray
Dustin Gray
5 5.35 21.34 0 21.34 200

2 19933 Tom Mayne
Ronnie Durrett Jr
5 8.78 19.3 0 19.3 199

3 26868 James Matthews
Justin Spoerl
5 5.97 17.68 0 17.68 198

4 14375 Michael Brattlof
John Brattlof
5 8.3 16.84 0 16.84 197

5 14368 Robert Chambers
Jeff Hood
5 0 16.42 0 16.42 196

6 26870 Michael Dobbins
Brian Spalding
5 5.83 15.28 0 15.28 195

7 25292 Andrew Whistler
Zachary Sheehy
5 0 15.27 0 15.27 194

8 25288 Jimmy Sheehy
Joshua Dickens
5 0 13.8 0 13.8 193

9 25305 Scott Jenkins
Coy Spencer
5 0 13.3 0 13.3 192

10 27546 Dylan Sumpter
Stephan Hendrix
5 0 12.96 0 12.96 191

11 27545 Joseph Gautney
Bradley Wood
5 0 12.84 0 12.84 140

12 13185 Tracy Pace
David Pace
5 0 12.77 0 12.77 189

13 26852 Anthony Davis
Tyler Davis
5 3.4 12.68 0 12.68 188

14 26871 Adam Moore
Nathan White
5 0 12.48 0 12.48 187

15 25303 Clayton Wills
Bo Ricketts
5 0 12.34 0 12.34 186

16 26866 Ryan McCoy
BJ Frachiseur
5 0 12.26 0 12.26 185

17 25297 Rusty Russell
Jace Lovelady
5 0 11.97 0 11.97 184

18 22424 Paul Ferguson
Eric Thompson
5 0 11.78 0 11.78 183

19 10357 Robert Templin
Robert Graham
5 0 11.76 0 11.76 182

20 26859 Monty McRee
Danny Mayo
5 0 11.9 0.25 11.65 181

21 14384 Billy Ferguson
Lindell Booth
5 0 11.43 0 11.43 180

22 13198 Terry Bradbery
Jeff Welch
5 0 11.45 0.25 11.2 179

23 25312 Terry Barnson
Dale Jackson
5 0 10.96 0 10.96 178

24 21004 Mike Watson
Daniel Roden
5 0 10.91 0 10.91 127

25 21003 Kenneth McMellon
Nic Grey
5 0 10.75 0 10.75 176

26 25302 Kevin Hukill
Debe Hukill
5 0 10.7 0 10.7 175

27 26864 Michael Mayo
John Jackson
5 0 10.53 0 10.53 124

28 25298 Frank Ellison
LaWanda Ellison
5 0 9.87 0 9.87 173

29 664 Randy Parks
Steve Terry
5 0 9.61 0 9.61 172

30 18252 Robert Bottom
Larry Jones
5 0 9.33 0 9.33 171

31 17165 Bobby Craig
Michael Craig
5 0 9.12 0 9.12 170

32 26858 Daniel Stokes
Clayton Dobiyanski
5 0 8.64 0 8.64 169

33 22461 Justin Stokes
Austin Stokes
3 0 6.39 0 6.39 168

34 25311 Jerry Dolezal
John Pederson
0 0 0 0 0 117

35 23663 Cameron Frowick
Kyle Brookshear
0 0 0 0 0 117

36 22427 Danny Smith
Jayce Hutchins
0 0 0 0 0 167

37 23670 Brad Johnson
Chris Breedlove
0 0 0 0 0 117