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    Recordcount: 13

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The final regular season event started off with a wet bang as we fought powerful thunderstorms and the rain blew sidways across the pavilion at Cassles Buykin.  Many of our teams and their families braved the intense weather and came out to hear the inspiring words from Trey Kistler, long time FOM member and supporter of Texas East, as he brought a message of giving from a grateful heart.  Trey lives out his words as he has been a great supported of our Fishing To Feed program for the orphans in Brazil.  We treated all attendees with BBQ that was provided by Skero Furniture and sent them home with lots of snacks for the next day on the lake.

Saturday morning brought clear skies and most of the anglers had stories of a good day on the lake  When everyone had crossed the scales, the team of  Thomas Aucoin and Tony Owen brought home the gold with a sack weighing 17.45 with a big bass winning kicker of 7.16.  Second place honors went to Larry Nassar and Lynn Thibodeaux with a bag that weighed 16.87.  Rounding out the top three was this years Division Champions, Gary Baker and Jason Dew with their stringer tipping the scales at 13.84.  Congratulations to all of our folks that managed to deal with all of the COVID issues and still made it out to fish with us and support our ministry and mission activities.  You are amazing!

I can't wait to see everyone at the District Championship on Toledo Bend.  Be watching for information on the tournament as the event gets closer.



Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Mercury, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Spiderwire, Shakespeare,   Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, BassBoat Technologies, Amphibia Eyewear, Gator Guards, FroggToggs and Jacobs Glass

Texas East would like to thank all of their local sponsors,  Droptine Timber and Land, Terrill Petroleum, ENERCORP, Beacon Wealth Management, WORKRISE, Trey Kistler, Chick-Fil-A of Humble Texas, Menade Inc. Construction, Skero Furniture, Big Help Desk,  Chick-Fil-A of Kingwood Texas,  Cajun Lures,  Tim Browder Family, FBC of Hemphill,  FBC of Broaddus,  Ross Motor Sports, Jim Spitzmiller Family, George Anderson Family,  Ralph Logan Family, NTG Staffing, Tax Resoultion Guide Services


Stren Sam Rayburn - 04/24/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 25144 Thomas Aucoin
Tony Owen
5 7.16 17.45 0 17.45 200

2 11771 Larry Nassar
Lynn Thibodeaux
5 4.58 16.87 0 16.87 199

3 22755 Jason Dew
Gary Baker
5 6.85 16.48 0 16.48 198

4 352 Stephen Kinney
Jimmy Martin
5 5.36 13.84 0 13.84 197

5 26736 George Haynes
Ben Cockrell
5 0 13.53 0 13.53 196

6 25140 Billy Waldrep
Justin Sowell
5 0 13.13 0 13.13 195

7 19936 William Lantrip
Eddie Duhon
5 0 12.9 0 12.9 194

8 26795 Rick Blount
Eddie Payne
5 4.16 12.67 0 12.67 193

9 25142 Eric Herzog
Jason Chance
5 0 12.12 0 12.12 192

10 25282 Gary Babb
Jackson Babb
5 4.08 11.72 0 11.72 191

11 15802 Terry Reed
Gwen Reed
5 0 11.72 0 11.72 190

12 23582 Bill Lambert
Jon Robinson
5 0 11.65 0 11.65 189

13 25139 Drew Kirk
Aaron McGuire
4 4.77 11.21 0 11.21 188

14 27191 Bruce Whitmire
Trey Kistler
5 0 11.05 0 11.05 187

15 19950 John Brown
Doyce Cartrett Jr
5 0 11.02 0 11.02 186

16 6192 Rusty West
Levi West
5 0 10.88 0 10.88 185

17 13331 Aubrey Lewis
Jim Spitzmiller
5 0 10.61 0 10.61 184

18 15801 Dan Hilton
Rick Sanders
5 0 10.23 0 10.23 183

19 6180 Robert Moore
David Atwell
5 0 9.79 0 9.79 182

20 26792 Matthew Moore
John Lewis Sr
5 0 9.76 0 9.76 181

21 26476 Cameron Swonke
Scott Swonke
5 0 9.72 0 9.72 180

22 22370 Joshua Kieffer
Christopher Kaylakie
5 0 9.24 0 9.24 179

23 26470 Dawson Schnautz
John Jay
5 0 8.6 0 8.6 178

24 27420 Dakota Harris
Jordan Harris
5 0 8.02 0 8.02 177

25 23589 Stephen Ashworth
Tex Rieder
5 0 7.91 0 7.91 176

26 25131 David Price
Ronald Roberts
5 0 7.81 0 7.81 175

27 26732 Gary Medley
Alan Medley
5 0 7.49 0 7.49 174

28 23600 George Anderson
Ralph Logan Sr.
4 0 6.33 0 6.33 173

29 18351 Jerry Wade
Dale Reynolds
4 0 5.82 0 5.82 172

30 25137 Mark Halpain
Luke Halpain
3 0 5.71 0 5.71 171

31 26491 Joe Moyer
James Smith
3 0 4.4 0 4.4 170

32 26471 James Stephens
George Stephens
3 0 3.94 0 3.94 169

33 18337 Todd DeClaris
Troy DeClaris
1 1.68 1.68 0 1.68 168

34 26475 Chaz Quinn
Matthew McAdams
1 0.98 0.98 0 0.98 167

35 23581 James Farrell
Mike Gaines
1 0.98 0.98 0 0.98 167

36 26493 Bill Babb
Mitchell Bueter
0 0 0 0 0 166

37 24257 Timothy Browder
Malcolm Croft
0 0 0 0 0 166

38 26758 Jeremy Tunstall
Jeremy Bison
0 0 0 0 0 166

39 26735 Bryan Carethers
Mike Davenport
0 0 0 0 0 166

40 26477 Jerry DuBose
James Conner
0 0 0 0 0 166

41 26973 Rick Foxworth
Lester Foxworth
0 0 0 0 0 166

42 22401 Josh Urban
Todd King
0 0 0 0 0 166

43 26483 Robert Seals
Corbin Seals
0 0 0 0 0 166

44 26497 Howard Hartley
Chere Hartley
0 0 0 0 0 166

April tournament winners Aucoin and Owen

Second place April tournament- Nassar and Thibodeaux

Texas Eas 2021 Division champions, Gary Baker and Jason Dew

Third place April Tournament, Baker and Dew