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Results for Hudson Lake, June 12, 2021

The one thing that can be said about this day for sure is that it was HOT! Fish were tuff to come by but the winning team of Gilmark Labitad and You Xiong managed to bring five fish to the scales that weighed 10.54 pounds. They caught their fish "offshore" on crankbaits and 12' worms in about 6' of water. They also won the first place pot in the bonus bucks.
Chuck Smith and Bob Hope came in second this time behind Gilamrk and Yao after coming in ahead of them on Eucha at the last event. They had five fish that weighed 9.11 pounds. They caught their fish shallow dragging a plastic craw. They also collected second-place money in the bonus bucks pot.
Coming in third with 2 fish, one of which was a nice 4.17 pounder which helped them enough to get third place and 3rd in the bonus bucks pot.
Our final event for the season is July 17th at Fort Gibson. The points race boils down to three teams that are "in the hunt" with the winner qualifying to advance directly to the National Championship.
Stren Hudson Lake - 06/12/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 25524 Gilmark Labitad
Yao Xiong
5 3.37 10.54 0 10.54 200

2 27129 Robert Hope
Chuck Smith
5 2.39 9.11 0 9.11 199

3 27249 Caleb Hester
Kade McMillin
2 4.17 6.59 0 6.59 198

4 27038 Randal Pulliam
Nicholas Derossett
1 1.75 1.75 0 1.75 197

5 27690 Steven Gloden
Floyd Corley
1 1.31 1.31 0 1.31 196

6 27034 Joe Montalbano
Amy Byrne
0 0 0 0 0 195

7 23260 Chuck Bridgewater
Hayden Holleman
0 0 0 0 0 195