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    Recordcount: 13

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Our 2ND event is MAY 15 on Okoboji Chain of lakes in spirit lake Iowa. We will be launching at the upper north boat ramp on East lake. We will have our meeting May 14th at oak hill outdoors in milford iowa at 600 pm. Remember I need everyone's entries 9 days before the tounament or made other arrangements and will be paid by meeting. All checks will need to be to me Monday prior to the tournament. You can send the checks to po box 24 spirit lake iowa, 51360. Pay Pall is fixed. If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to call me at 712 2034806.

FOM Team Series
Enter Both Angler Names
Tournament Location:
Stren Event #2 Okoboji Chains - 05/15/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 26323 Jordan Hirt
Marshal Halverson
5 4.86 21.89 0 21.89 200

2 1981 Gary Goodwin
Dan Burkhardt
5 6.29 21.79 0 21.79 199

3 25999 Chris Brokman
Michael Humm
5 5.8 21.07 0 21.07 198

4 25997 Jerry Pape
Mark Moorman
5 5.77 19.56 0 19.56 197

5 16389 Terry Svendsen
Mark Tonjum
5 0 18.22 0 18.22 196

6 26001 Chris Miller
Denman Bledsoe
5 0 15.94 0 15.94 195

7 27446 Traeton Holt
Nathan Holt
5 0 15.55 0 15.55 194

8 27448 Koleby Van Beek
5 0 14.82 0 14.82 193

9 27754 Thomas Reding
Michael Obal
5 0 14.44 0 14.44 192

10 27445 Jerry Avis
Mark Borchers
5 0 13.6 0 13.6 190

11 27451 Kirby Winter
Charles Andreasen
5 0 13.6 0 13.6 190

12 27748 Doug Kuchenmeister
5 0 13.17 0 13.17 189

13 27750 Corey Goss
Dawson Hawk Goss
5 0 13.14 0 13.14 188

14 27749 Wayne Duncan
Nathan Wieme
5 0 11.53 0 11.53 187

15 27444 Zachary Edwards
Justin Howing
4 0 11.25 0 11.25 186

16 27453 ROD WHITMAN
David Hegberg
4 0 11.23 0 11.23 185

17 27449 Carolyn Powers
Matthew Powers
5 0 10.73 0 10.73 184

18 27452 Caden Stabe
Parker Berghult
2 0 7.04 0 7.04 183