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SC Upstate CLASSIC Series had 50 boats that competed on lake RUSSELL, 4/23/2022.

Tx SPONSOR-  Highway 72 Marine 

We had a Great meeting on Friday night with a NEW Host:  NORTHSIDE BAPTIST church.  A special thanks to Walter Buff for helping to organize the Food and connecting SC Upstate with Northside.  It was so nice to meet Pastor Brian and all the true servants that were there on Friday night.

One of our own anglers, Cory McGaha shared his heart with us.  To paraphrase, he encouraged the Christians (Believers) at the meeting to be strong in their walk.  Its all about taking that NEXT step.  For some it may be to begin reading the word more, for others it may be to answer God's holy nudge to serve Him in a different way, and for others it could be to be intentional about Fishing fo MEN in different areas of your life.  Cory stated that ALL Christians are called to share our FAITH with those that God has placed in our lives.  Have you told YOUR story to someone lately?  Would you consider doing it?  I pray that God will use you to be a vessel that he can use to Share his Love and Mercy with others.


Saturday's weather was beautiful on Lake Russell.  Our 50 boats were off at safe light in search of those elusive bass.  Russell typically produces sacks in the 14-18 lb range, but our winners at this event found some Russell G-G-G-GIANTS!!!

Congrats to the WINNERS:

FIRST:  COOPER WILSON & RODNEY ELLIOT with an impressive 22.93 lb sack, and a 7.16 lb BRUTE to seal the deal 

  • First Place-  $2,500
  • Big Fish-      $500
  • 1st BB-         $463
  • TOTAL WINNINGS:  $ 3,463


  • Second Place-  $1,500
  • 2nd Place BB-   $ 278
  • TOTAL WINNINGS:  $1,778


  • Third Place- $750
  • 3rd Pl BB-    $ 185


GUARANTEED PAYOUTS (thanks to Hwy 72 Marine)

1st- $2,500

2nd- $1,500

3rd- $750

Big Fish- $500


Next and LAST event will be on HARTWELL, May 14th.

Visit Details page for info:  LINK


Contact:  Rodney Floyd- 864-417-5804

Stren Russell - 04/23/22


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 28976 Cooper Wilson
Rodney Elliott
5 7.16 22.93 0 22.93 200

2 23985 Jason Snyder
Jason Skinner
5 4.63 18.84 0 18.84 199

3 28736 Cody Brock
Brian Fleming
5 5.92 15.62 0 15.62 198

4 18417 Jonathan Botts
Wayne Botts
5 5.44 15.06 0 15.06 197

5 23693 Gregg Williams
Mark Williams
5 4.63 14.95 0 14.95 196

6 19348 Jason Burroughs
Darren Ashley
5 3.62 14.86 0 14.86 195

7 26651 Sammy Moody
George O’Shields
5 3.85 13.16 0 13.16 194

8 18397 Michael Anders
Jonathan Anders
5 2.99 12.89 0 12.89 193

9 26649 Reggie Luper
Aiden Luper
5 3.31 12.75 0 12.75 192

10 29019 Brad Burdette
Brandon Burdette
5 3.24 12.45 0 12.45 191

11 28735 Joey Miller
Cole Cochran
5 0 11.91 0 11.91 190

12 26642 GL Compton
Matthew Sprouse
5 3.37 11.47 0 11.47 189

13 26656 Todd Pearson
David Strickland
5 2.98 11.43 0 11.43 188

14 20976 Gerald Reid
5 2.99 11.22 0 11.22 137

15 28302 Joey Mitchell
Chuck Nubern
5 0 11.65 0.5 11.15 186

16 28742 Carl Whitfield
Robby Hunnicutt
5 2.82 11.02 0 11.02 185

17 20996 Tommy Newton
Ken Campbell
5 3.31 10.74 0 10.74 184

18 25516 Darry Waits
Brady Waits
5 2.65 10.62 0 10.62 183

19 23678 Brett Douglas
Patrick Hobson
5 3.14 10.61 0 10.61 182

20 15738 Jimmy Turner
Mark Weaver
5 2.6 10.48 0 10.48 181

21 23979 BJ Ballard
Chastan Hanna
5 3.08 10.43 0 10.43 180

22 26352 Chris Rhodes
Aiden Somerville
5 2.7 10.32 0 10.32 179

23 26316 Todd Hershberger
Kaden Hershberger
5 2.57 10.43 0.25 10.18 178

24 28580 Brady Kimbrell
Adam Smith
5 0 10.05 0 10.05 177

25 27664 Darryl Huntsinger
Cory McGaha
5 0 9.75 0 9.75 176

26 13235 Randy Cody
David Kuykendall
5 3.52 9.66 0 9.66 175

27 28519 Timothy Jones
Michael Sellers
5 2.69 9.66 0 9.66 174

28 19884 Randy Dickson
Kevin Dickson
5 0 9.39 0 9.39 173

29 28978 Robert Bratcher
Camden Bratcher
5 0 9.12 0 9.12 172

30 26905 Danny Ashley
Blake Riddle
5 0 9.02 0 9.02 171

31 18660 Tony Hudson
Zachary Hudson
5 0 8.94 0 8.94 170

32 18428 Chris Coleman
Truett Hill
5 0 8.92 0 8.92 169

33 17195 Michael Smith
Micky Lusk
5 2.58 8.77 0 8.77 168

34 18377 Keith Mock
Ben Franklin
5 0 8.42 0 8.42 167

35 28743 Mark Richardson
Phillip Richardson
5 2.4 8.13 0.25 7.88 166

36 28518 scott reeves
Chris Reeves
5 0 7.63 0 7.63 165

37 23697 Wesley Underwood
Justin Underwood
5 2.58 7.26 0 7.26 164

38 17037 Kevin Allman
David Hicks
5 0 7.01 0 7.01 113

39 28146 Greg Pelfrey
Thomas Morris
5 2.12 7.19 0.25 6.94 162

40 28250 Carl Melton
Phil O'Dell
5 0 6.81 0 6.81 161

41 15751 Brock Taylor
Erik Martin
5 0 6.65 0 6.65 160

42 28516 Doyle Rogers
Harold Chappell
3 4.16 6.48 0 6.48 159

43 28249 Dennis Horton
Scott Smith
5 0 6.34 0.25 6.09 158

44 25067 James McDade
Jacob New jr
0 0 0 0 0 157

45 26831 Michael Hatfield
Graham Hatfield
0 0 0 0 0 157

46 14349 Brian Tidwell
Michael Tidwell
0 0 0 0 0 157

47 26634 Bryan Cothran
Thomas Moore
0 0 0 0 0 157

48 27057 Eddie Landreth
Tony Holliday
0 0 0 0 0 157

49 28579 Eddie Roach
Griffith Roach
0 0 0 0 0 157

50 14640 Mark Hicks
Zachary Hicks
0 0 0 0 0 107