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    Recordcount: 14

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We kicked off our Fri. night meeting at Lake Gaston Baptist Church.Thank you so much for blessing us with a scrumptious fried chicken dinner, everything was so good. Pastor Adam Hammond shared from the book of Mark 9:33-37. He ask "What does it mean to be the greatest?"
Jesus is the greatest human that ever walked this earth. God don't look at us as good, because He says"all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".We all need Jesus as our personal Savoir. Jesus said " if you want to be first you must be last" , greatness comes from serving others.What a challenge.We had one that heard that message of needing a Savoir. Praise God, for salvation!

Our director was in anguish to announce to the fishermen that he had been praying and felt the Lord leading him to shorten the tournament to 12pm because of the  rough weather that was headed our way with chance of tornadoes. Safety always comes first, and we wouldn't want anyone hurt or dead on our watch.

Saturday morning started off nice in the high 50s° S 8 mh wind , steadily picking up.The guys really hammered it, only having a short time to fish.

Congratulations goes to our
1st place ?? winner Shawn Hammack with a 20.13 lb bag
He also won 1st place bonus bucks and Big fish weighing in at 6 lbs with a grand total of $2212.50 payout.

2nd place ??goes to  Sam & Aaron Fisher with a 14.59 lb bag.

3rd place ??goes to Jeremy Moody & Lucas Lobaugh with a  14.52 lb bag, they also won 2nd place bonus bucks.

4th place  goes to Joey Scott & John Edwards with a 13.38 lb bag.

5th place bulletin board cash
goes to Matt & Len Priode with a 11.14 lb bag.

6th place bulletin board cash goes to     
  Michael Hatley & Steve Hatley with a 10.85 lb bag

7th place bulletin board cash goes to Joey Davis & Larry Stevens  with a 10.63 lb bag

8th place goes to Tony Barham & Terry Hobbs with a 9.99 lb bag.

9th place goes to Walter Whitman & JT Harrell with 9.93 lb bag

10th place goes to Jason & Don Holt with 9.55 lb bag

We look forward to seeing y'all at our
3rd Team series:
Jordan Lake May 6, 2023
Ebenezer church Ramp

Pre-Tournament Meeting
May 5 ,2023
5:30pm registration
Hendricks Auto Mall, South point
127 Kentington dr
Durham ,N.C. 27701

God bless,
Dale Morgan
NC Central FOM


National Sponsors.
RealTree Fishing
TH Marine
Gator Guards
Froggy toggs
Firefly outdoor & marine
Jacobs Glass Company

Local Sponsors:
Jacobs Glass Company
Hendrick Southpoint
Money Concepts
L & L Home Solutions, LLC
Interstate batteries
Newmart Builders
Fuquay gun & Gold
Deep River Sporting clays
Commercial Hollow Metal products Inc.
Getum up Construction
His Garage
Foundation Xperts
LD Swain & Son Inc.
Master tech Marine services
Kenneth West Inc.
A&A Plumbing Company
Quality Mower
Jones farm supply
Crossroads Wellness & Rehab
Penny Farms
Mclamb Nursery
Penny Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners
Ridgecrest Outdoor ministry
Croasdaile Dental Arts
The Insurance Pros
Hinson's Printing

Prize contributors:
Catch Outdoors
IGA Carlie C's
Deep Creek Lures




Team Series #2

Gaston Lake April 22 2023 - Summitt Landing Ramp

Pre tournament meeting Friday 21nd at Lake Gaston Baptist Church, 128 Lynwood Rd. Littleton NC 27850

5:30 registration

Stren Gaston Lake - 04/22/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30582 Shawn Hammack
5 6 20.13 0 20.13 200

2 12697 Samuel Fisher
Aaron Fisher
5 0 14.59 0 14.59 199

3 18943 Jeremy Moody
Lucas Lobaugh
5 0 14.52 0 14.52 198

4 30612 Joey Scott
John Edwards
5 5.97 13.38 0 13.38 197

5 19141 Matt Priode
Len Priode
5 0 11.14 0 11.14 196

6 1194 Steve Hatley
Michael Hatley
5 0 10.85 0 10.85 195

7 17400 Joey Davis
Larry Stevens
5 0 10.63 0 10.63 194

8 16068 Tony Barham
Terry Hobbs
5 0 9.99 0 9.99 193

9 30304 Walter Whitman
J.T. Harrell
5 0 9.93 0 9.93 192

10 30598 Jason Holt
Donovan Holt
5 0 9.55 0 9.55 191

11 30308 Gilbert Sanford
Robert Cook
5 0 8.95 0 8.95 190

12 30306 Brian Benish
Ashley Ivey
4 4.8 8.84 0 8.84 189

13 30579 Adam Richardson
Blake Richardson
5 2.82 8.46 0 8.46 188

14 10519 Val Sorensen
Horace Mason
5 0 8.17 0 8.17 187

15 30309 David Hubbard Jr
David Hubbard
5 0 7.82 0 7.82 186

16 26988 John Murdock
John Murdock
4 0 6.18 0 6.18 185

17 15939 Howard Fisher
Quentin Ramseur
2 4.08 5.37 0 5.37 184

18 30307 Josh Whitford
Jonathan Phillips
0 0 0 0 0 183

19 29316 shane doughtie
Evan White
0 0 0 0 0 183

20 30585 Jacob Wilder
Alton Lamm
0 0 0 0 0 183

1st place Shawn Hammack

2nd place Sam & Aaron Fisher

3rd place Lucas Lobaugh & Jeremy Moody

3rd place Lucas Lobaugh & Jeremy Moody

4th place Joey Scott & John Edwards

5th place Matt & Len Priode

Michael Hatley

Walter Whitman & JT Harrell