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Mayo lake

We finished our 2023 NC Central tournament season with a  total payout of $9195.00,
Plus over $600.00 in door prizes at our Friday night meeting where we met for some of the best barbecue chicken you could ever eat.
Our message came from Gary Bittner.
He shared his testimony of how him and then his father got saved by using a little green Gideon bible he got free in college. John 3:16 

Congratulations goes to our 
1st place ?? winners Alan Revels & Jason Holt  with a  20.55lb bag
They also won 1st place bonus bucks and Alan got Big Bass weighing in at 6.44 lbs with a grand total of $2118.50 payout.

2nd place ??goes to Dan Glosson & Scottie Morris with a 16.10lb bag, they also won 2nd place bonus bucks.

3rd place ??goes to Tony Barham & Terry Hobbs with a  14.22 lb bag, they also won 3rd place bonus bucks.

Congratulations goes to our points champions of 2023, Aaron & Sam Fisher Great fishing guys.

1st place gun raffle points goes to Lucas Lobaugh and Jeremy Moody

2nd place gun raffle points goes to Walter Whitman and JT Harrell

3rd place gun raffle points goes to Tony Barham and Terry Hobbs 

4th place bulletin board cash goes to Zeb Barbette & Dustin Fox with a  12.29 lb bag.

5th place bulletin board cash
goes to Sam and Aaron Fisher      with a  12.22 lb bag.

6th place bulletin board cash goes to
Lucas Lobaugh & Jeremy Moody with a  12.04 lb bag

7th place goes to Larry Stevens and Joey Davis with a 11.93 lb bag

8th place goes to Jake and John Murdock with a 10.90 lb bag.

9th place goes to Allen and Brittany Farman with 10.35 lb bag

We had a meeting of our leadership team and we've decided to do the gun raffle again and we are going to have a championship tournament with a guaranteed purse of $6000.00 if we have as many as 20 boats. You must fish at least 4 of our 5 tournaments and attend the meeting the night before.
The tournament location will be drawn from a pot by the director in order to get a permit and announced at the meeting the night before the championship tournament.

We netted $9100. from our gun raffle this year and that let us put $900 towards 1st place each tournament.
We had $4600.00 for a points race that was split 50% 30% and 20% for each team that sold 5 tickets.

1st place won $2300

2nd place won $1380 and 3rd place won $920.

Lucas Lobaugh with L & L Home Solutions added $200 to 2nd place each tournament.
Money Concepts, David and Kyle Hackney also put $250 to each tournament to add 3 places. 

A BIG SHOUT-OUT to David Hubbard, one of our anglers who got his store, IGA in Erwin,NC to donate the hotdogs with all the fixings, drinks and chips. That was such a blessing♥?and to our ladies who volunteered to bring cookies for y'all ♥?

We want to thank all of our volunteers who gave their all to serving you and us. We truly couldn't do it without y'all.We love Y'all.
Johnny and Sandra Walker
Jimmy and Debbie Dorsey
Wayne and JoAnn Harris
Jonie Neddo
Sally Duffy
John Doughty
Cooks, Lee Torbich and Jolene 

Don't forget to sign up for our District championship at Lake Norman 
Sept 29th & 30th
Fishers of men National tournament trail @ fomntt.com

We look forward to seeing you next year at our 1st Team series Tournament:
Dates to post later
 Kerr Lake, March  ,2024
Pre-Tournament Meeting
March  ,2024
5:30pm registration
 Henderson point shelter #2   
Central Baptist Church 
2574 Ruin Creek Rd.
Henderson ,NC 27537
To God be the glory!
Dale and Mary Morgan 
Director FOM NC Central 


National Sponsors.
RealTree Fishing
TH Marine
Gator Guards
Froggy toggs
Firefly outdoor & marine
Jacobs Glass Company

Local Sponsors:
Jacobs Glass Company
Hendrick Southpoint
Money Concepts
L & L Home Solutions, LLC 
Interstate batteries
Newmart Builders
Fuquay gun & Gold
Deep River Sporting clays 
Commercial Hollow Metal products Inc.
Getum up Construction
Jones farm supply 
Crossroads Wellness & Rehab
Penny Farms
Mclamb Nursery
Penny Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner
Quality mower & saw equipment 
Hinson's Printing

Prize contributors:
Catch Outdoors
IGA Carlie C's
Deep Creek Lures

Good morning fishermen,

Just a quick note that everything is a go for our last Tournament , which will be on Mayo Lake, June 3rd.
Our pre-tournament meeting on Friday June 2nd will be at
Westwood Baptist Church
970 Leasburg Rd. Roxboro NC. Registration starts at 5:30 with dinner at 6pm.
Bulletin board cash from Falls lake tournament will be paid at the meeting for 4th-6th place. At least one fishermen and a legal substitute will have to be present to receive it.
Hopefully everyone has your membership done and your tournament paid through PayPal before Friday night. There will be $25 late fee if you pay on Friday night. There will be No registrations or memberships taken at the lake on Saturday morning.If you have not filled out an Entry form,you can find it on the national website and click on entry forms and fill it out and save it to computer and then email it to me.
We will start check-in at 5am Saturday morning at Triple Springs ramp.
Money Concepts will be sponsoring  3 more places beyond bulletin board cash as they have been doing for each tournament. 2-$100 places and 1-$50 place. NC Central FOM will be adding $900 to first place and $200 to second place from our raffle monies earned and L&L Home Solutions.

As we mentioned,we will be grilling hotdogs with all the fixings,donated by Lillington,NC IGA ,thanks to one of our anglers, David Hubbard. Please invite your family to join us.

We will be giving out monies for the raffle points champion.
And announcing our winners for the points champions for the season with our beautiful 25 year anniversary plaques being presented.
The top 3 are, Aaron and Sam Fisher, Lucas Lobaugh and Jeremy Moody and Walter Whitman and JT Harrell are tied for 3rd place with Jonathan Phillips and Josh Whitford

We had a meeting of our leadership team and we've decided to do the gun raffle again and we are going to have a championship tournament with a guaranteed purse for next year with details to follow soon.

Thanks and be blessed,
Dale Morgan
Director FOM NC Central





Team Series #5

Mayo Lake June 03,2023 at Triple Springs ramp

Pre tournament meeting Friday June 02 at Westwood Baptist Church, 970 Leesburg Rd. Roxboro NC 27573

registration 5;30

Stren Mayo Lake - 06/03/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 28994 Alan Revels
Jason Holt
5 6.44 20.55 0 20.55 200

2 22729 Dan Glosson
Scottie Morris
5 0 16.1 0 16.1 199

3 16068 Tony Barham
Terry Hobbs
5 0 14.47 0.25 14.22 198

4 30930 Zeb Barnette
Dustin Fox
5 4.03 12.29 0 12.29 197

5 12697 Samuel Fisher
Aaron Fisher
5 0 12.22 0 12.22 196

6 18943 Jeremy Moody
Lucas Lobaugh
5 0 12.04 0 12.04 195

7 17400 Joey Davis
Larry Stevens
5 0 11.93 0 11.93 194

8 26988 John Murdock
John Murdock
5 0 10.9 0 10.9 193

9 30303 Allen Farman
Brittany Farman
5 0 10.35 0 10.35 192

10 30304 Walter Whitman
J.T. Harrell
5 0 10.18 0 10.18 191

11 19141 Matt Priode
Len Priode
5 0 9.75 0.25 9.5 190

12 28733 John Doughty
Ron Duffy
5 0 8.72 0 8.72 189

13 30309 David Hubbard Jr
David Hubbard
5 0 8.38 0 8.38 138

14 10519 Val Sorensen
Horace Mason
3 3.12 7.18 0 7.18 187

15 30308 Gilbert Sanford
Robert Cook
4 0 7.09 0 7.09 186

16 30306 Brian Benish
Ashley Ivey
4 0 6.61 0 6.61 185

17 15939 Howard Fisher
Quentin Ramseur
1 1.49 1.49 0 1.49 184

18 30836 Alton Lamm
Preston Lamm
0 0 0 0 0 183