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    Recordcount: 14

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The second Ohio Team Series tournament is complete.

Our Friday night meeting was held at one of the lakeside shelter houses with pizza provided by Freedom Outdoors. Thanks to Matt and the gang.

After the meal Dennis Knous, provided an inspiration message based on the word being the truth not the world.

On Saturday we Launched 25 boats at safe light. At 3:00 the boats returned for the weigh-in. The team of Don Rice and Brandon Howell were the winners with a limit weighing 16.57 pounds which also included the days big bass which weighed 5.92 pounds. Great job guys. The team of Kevin Izzi and Dave Davenport came in second with a limit weighing 10.81 pounds. In third was DJ Manning and Braedan Trogdion with 10.65 pounds. Forth place went to Matt McCord and B J Barnes with five bass weighing 9.89 pounds. Jared Brown and Tyler Rowe brought in four bass weighing 9.85 pounds for fifth place.

Twelve limits were weighed in with a total of seventy nine fish brought to the scales.

Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; Bass Cat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spider wire DuraBraid,  Real tree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass

Also our local Sponsors:

Series Sponsors: Harvest Baptist Church, Nextgen Consulting & Sales, CommScope, Re Becker Builders, Muck Suckers, ACE Hardware Shawnee and Delphos, Bobcat of Lima and Bellefontaine and Freedom Outdoors.

Raffle Sponsors: The Stitchery, Strictly Bass, and JB Custom Rods

Meeting Sponsors: Indian Lake Community Church, New Life Church, and The Solid Rock Church

Stren Grand Lake St. Marys - 05/06/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30597 Don Rice
Brandon Howell
5 5.92 16.57 0 16.57 150

2 19318 Kevin Izzi
Dave Davenport
5 0 10.81 0 10.81 199

3 30565 David Manning
Braedan Trogdlon
5 0 10.65 0 10.65 148

4 19282 Matt McCord
William Barnes
5 0 9.89 0 9.89 147

5 29547 Jared Brown
Tyler Rowe
4 0 9.85 0 9.85 196

6 30541 Scott Tangeman
Kevin Tangeman
5 0 9.58 0 9.58 195

7 28887 Dustin Cole
Aiden Cole
5 0 9.53 0 9.53 144

8 21807 Justen Fain
Ty Fain
5 0 8.45 0 8.45 193

9 1783 John Duwel
Gary Sindelir
4 0 8.33 0 8.33 192

10 30530 Edward Elliott
Carter Elliott
5 0 7.71 0 7.71 141

11 28317 Jeffery Jordan
Zac Mumford
5 0 7.21 0 7.21 140

12 30692 Andrew Bullock
William (Will) Greeley
5 0 6.86 0 6.86 189

13 28848 Doug Rudasill
Brady Rudasill
4 0 6.54 0 6.54 188

14 25544 Roy Pifer
Mike Hamberg
5 0 6.21 0 6.21 187

15 25765 Mark Rudasill
Easton Rudasill
5 0 6.06 0 6.06 186

16 24350 Tyler Denlinger
Troy Denlinger
3 2.63 5.55 0 5.55 185

17 22894 Troy Zaerr
Robert Senger
2 0 3.09 0 3.09 184

18 19122 Darrin Brumbaugh
Jordan Brumbaugh
2 0 2.56 0 2.56 183

19 30563 Jason Gordon
Gary Hammaker
2 0 2.38 0 2.38 182

20 25758 Kyle Kanet
Ty Boehringer
0 0 0 0 0 131

21 30383 Guy Hammaker
Robert Claudy
0 0 0 0 0 181

22 30385
0 0 0 0 0 131

23 30451 Michael Brewer
Kolby Watson
0 0 0 0 0 131

24 30482 Nick Morgan
Ian Conley
0 0 0 0 0 181

25 30605 Tyler Woods
Jacob Gross
0 0 0 0 0 131