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    Recordcount: 14

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Welcome to the Lake Erie Event

Pre Tournament Meeting - Friday 8/11

Location - East Harbor State Park Lockwood Shelter House

Registration - 5:30 to 6:00

Meeting - 6:00

Tournament - Saturday 8/12

Location -Sandusky Bay

Ramp - City Ramp

Boat Check - 30 minutes prior to launch

Launch - Safe Light

Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spiderwire DuraBraid,   Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass


Stren Lake Erie - 08/12/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 21807 Justen Fain
Ty Fain
5 4.01 16.6 0 16.6 200

2 19318 Kevin Izzi
Dave Davenport
5 0 14.32 0 14.32 199

3 30565 David Manning
Braedan Trogdlon
5 0 14.05 0 14.05 148

4 1783 John Duwel
Gary Sindelir
5 3.44 12.37 0 12.37 197

5 19122 Darrin Brumbaugh
Jordan Brumbaugh
5 0 11.74 0 11.74 196

6 30563 Jason Gordon
Gary Hammaker
4 4.08 11.21 0 11.21 145

7 29547 Jared Brown
Tyler Rowe
5 3.65 11.06 0 11.06 194

8 30541 Scott Tangeman
Kevin Tangeman
5 0 10.19 0 10.19 143

9 22894 Troy Zaerr
Robert Senger
5 0 10.12 0 10.12 192

10 30597 Don Rice
Brandon Howell
5 0 9.74 0 9.74 141

11 30385
1 1.76 1.76 0 1.76 140

12 30019 Larry Wise
0 0 0 0 0 139

13 25765 Mark Rudasill
Easton Rudasill
0 0 0 0 0 189

14 30383 Guy Hammaker
Robert Claudy
1 0 0 0 0 189

15 30605 Tyler Woods
Jacob Gross
0 0 0 0 0 189

16 30482 Nick Morgan
Ian Conley
0 0 0 0 0 189

17 24350 Tyler Denlinger
Troy Denlinger
0 0 0 0 0 189