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    Recordcount: 13

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we would like to welcome you to the 2023 season and hope to see you at our first event,we will be blasting off at safe light and weigh-in will be at 1:00 we are having a three fish limit this year which should make for some good competition. Please contact me by phone for preregistration or any questions at 813-917-9812 or352-567-1521 or email at Steve.pritchard@tcelectric.com 


We will be having our meeting after weigh in  and have a little food and fellowship with gift drawings and a quick word from the Lord.  

we hope to see all of you at Lake Harris this weekend be at the ramp  at around 5:30 for live well checks     

ATTENTION LEGACY MEMBERS WE WERE FORCED TO CHANGE THE RAMP FOR HARRIS WE WILL BE GOING OUT OF THE VENETIAN GARDENS RAMP  CALL FOR ANY INFO 352 567 1521  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Tournament Fees
Entry Form Options
Partner 1- Adult & Junior
Enter Event Location:
Legacy Tournment Lake Harris - 02/25/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30145 Ken Sharpless
RJ Sanger
3 3.52 9.06 0 9.06 150

2 29956 Larry Wildes
Terry Wildes
3 3.13 8.02 0 8.02 149

3 30061 Joe Moyer
Jase Moyer
3 2.89 7.14 0 7.14 148

4 30141 Ashley Alday
Ashton Alday
3 0 6.75 0 6.75 147

5 29955 Bryan Clark
Evelyn Clark
3 0 6.63 0 6.63 146

6 30142 Walter Gurgacz
Jacob Gurgacz
3 3.66 6.57 0 6.57 145

7 30144 gary rich
Maxwell Allen
3 3.96 6.32 0 6.32 144

8 30060 Steve Pritchard
Mia barker
3 0 5.38 0 5.38 143

Chance Tooker
3 0 5.22 0 5.22 142

10 30143 Matt Fair
conner fair
3 0 3.49 0 3.49 141

11 30139 Billy Taylor
chase Taylor
3 0 3.38 0 3.38 140