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    Recordcount: 14

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Hello everyonr sorry for the delay for the meeting details

we will be meeting at the Holiday Inn at 6 to 8 pm 

1330 Saxton Blvd ,Orange City Florida 32763

the number to the hotel is 386-917-0004

if you have any questions call me at 813-215-2016



Tournament Fees
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Stren LAKE MONROE - 03/11/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 25175 Mike Robinson
Jeff Robinson
5 0 25.47 0 25.47 200

2 22275 Billy Taylor
William McDevitt
5 0 21.63 0 21.63 199

3 10071 Stanley Williams
Robert Webb
5 8.3 19.88 0 19.88 198

4 29616 Bryan Ellis
Dustin Funk
5 0 17.69 0 17.69 197

5 19841 Jon Rogers
Kyle Rogers
5 4.59 17.61 0 17.61 196

6 28391 Dave Austin
Bill Buttler
5 6.8 14.62 0 14.62 195

7 25170 Terry Mullis
Kim Mullis
5 4.41 14.11 0 14.11 194

8 16875 Chris Nickle
Michael Tucker
5 0 11.67 0 11.67 193

9 28125 George Bauknight
Bryan Deaton
5 0 11.55 0 11.55 192

10 11695 Dan Smith
Benjamin Smith
5 0 11.42 0 11.42 191

11 29039 Terry Wildes
Larry Wildes
5 0 11.09 0 11.09 140

12 19847 Steve Pritchard
Trina Pritchard
5 0 9.88 0.25 9.63 189

13 29617 Joe Moyer
Matthew Miller
5 0 7.7 0 7.7 188

14 29619 Bryan Clark
Terry Compton
5 0 7.08 0 7.08 187

15 18327 Donald Fisher
Brian Nelson
5 0 6.92 0 6.92 186

16 29612 gary rich
Jessica Rich
5 0 6.37 0 6.37 185

17 30274 Thomas Kilgore II
Michael Benson
3 0 5.53 0 5.53 184

18 28127 Shane Ness
Jani Ness
1 4.55 4.55 0 4.55 133

19 29614 Michael Tortissi Sr
Michael Torrissi
0 0 0 0 0 182

20 29618 Steve McAdams
Steve McAdams Jr
0 0 0 0 0 132

21 30267 Larry Maring
Bob Weston
0 0 0 0 0 182