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    Recordcount: 13

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Beautiful weather greeted us for the 4th stop of the season!

Friday night fellowship was at the Bracey Community center and hosted by FOM Va East, Pizza and cookies were served to all in attendance. We walked through the Roman road because it's always useful to go back to the basics... the simple Gospel and love of Christ!

Saturday turned out to be a much tougher fishing day than most of the 26 boats expected. Quite a few fish were caught but the size was hard to come by. Brad Whitfield and Brian Lindamood topped the field with a 12.96lb bag which included the event big fsh with a 4.79lb spotted bass! Andy Lavin and Doug Sisk were a close second with 12.67lbs, the team of Jay Griffen and Doug Wharton were tight behing them in third place with 12.21lbs!

Rounding out the top 5 and money spots were:

4th. Beasley/Neff 11.78lbs

5th. Coyner/Coyner 11.20lbs

Thankful to all the anglers who choose to fish with us and make these seasons great, our next event will be on the Pamunkey River on June 17th!

Stren Lake Gaston - 05/20/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 25400 Bradley Whitfield
Brian Lindamood
5 4.79 12.95 0 12.95 200

2 18789 Andy Lavin
Douglas Sisk
5 4.74 12.67 0 12.67 199

3 25358 James Griffin III
Doug Wharton
5 0 12.21 0 12.21 198

4 28507 Kevin Beasley
Jacob Neff
5 0 11.78 0 11.78 197

5 22732 Robert Coyner
Mike Coyner
5 0 11.2 0 11.2 146

6 23211 Eric Rowe
Eddie Griggs
5 4.36 10.94 0 10.94 195

7 27111 Melvin Fulk
Bryan Conley
5 0 10.7 0 10.7 144

8 12268 Brandon Hill
Kevin King
5 3.84 10.49 0 10.49 193

9 30076 Michael Abel
Michael Looney
5 0 9.61 0 9.61 192

10 30779 Kile Quick
Louis Parcher
5 0 11.32 2 9.32 141

11 10720 Walter Emerson
Brody Webb
5 0 8.86 0 8.86 190

12 27116 Wilson Bradley
Robert Carter
5 3.2 8.77 0 8.77 189

13 27278 Rodney Allen
Chris Bradley
5 0 8.66 0 8.66 138

14 30081 Melvin Bowling
Derrin Falls
5 0 8.12 0 8.12 137

15 24165 Tim Fallon
Richard Griswold Jr
5 0 7.33 0 7.33 136

16 23366 Greg Soukup
Darrell Hobson
5 0 7.24 0 7.24 185

17 23958 David Williams
Darryl Williams
5 0 7.19 0 7.19 184

18 28655 Mike Brown
Austin Brown
5 0 6.64 0 6.64 183

19 27838 Carl Sadler
Cameron Lamm
4 0 6.44 0 6.44 182

20 27201 Michael Williams
Allison Williams
4 0 5.64 0 5.64 181

21 30813 Paul Broda
Margaret Broda
4 0 5.32 0 5.32 130

22 30079 Travis Lugar
Ricky Fulk
5 0 8.29 3 5.29 179

23 28645 David Gauman
Tim Jackson
4 0 4.82 0 4.82 178

24 30151 Curtis Welton
Rhonda Welton
2 2.7 4.67 0 4.67 127

25 27464 Kenny Banes
Christopher Garthright
3 0 3.56 0 3.56 126

26 28510 Bo Bandy
Walter Hill
0 0 0 0 0 175