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The Indiana North Division concluded their season on Waveland Lake holding their 6th event.


The Straber family hosted the members in their home for the meeting and dinner. They served the anglers a delicious lasagna with an amazing salad and homemade bread!


Adam Linkenhoker provide a message to the group regarding God's Love and shared many scriptures with John 3:16-17 and John 15:13 being a focal point. 


On Saturday, 5 teams showed up at the ramp to compete. The day provided to be the toughest of the season at the overcast sky throughout the day gave way to the sun, but in the last hour of fishing, a quick rain dampened the boat decks. The temperature barley made it to 70 on the day and the angler saw water temps up to 75.

Four teams had one goal in mind, out fish Gary Straber and Jeff Hackler, as the duo only needed to launch their boat to claim a back-to-back points divisional championship.

Straber and Hackler would not let up on the other anglers coming into the scales as they came away with their 3rd win on the season, with the only team bringing in 5 fish for a 7.77 weight. 

the father and son, duo Jerad and Eric Schwedler came to the scales with three fish on the day coming in second on the day with three fish at 5.97 and big bass on the day at 2.40. The Schwedler's also came in second on the season.

Straber and Hackler each an automatic berth to the national champion next spring on Harris Chain of Lakes in Florida. The Schwedler's will work to earn their birth at the District 10 Champion on Patoka in two short weeks.


Stren Lake Waveland - 15 Boat Limit - 09/09/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 28918 Gary Straber
Jeffery Hackler
5 0 7.77 0 7.77 200

2 30542 Jerad Schwedler
Eric Schwedler
3 2.4 5.97 0 5.97 199

3 30414 Michael Zerrien
Adam Linkenhoker
1 0 1.9 0 1.9 198

4 30416 Carl Davis
Jonathan Wetherald
0 0 0 0 0 197

5 31173 Don Gambrel
Jason Smith
0 0 0 0 0 197

Indiana North Final Tournament Group

Gary Straber & Jeff Hackler (7.77 lbs)

Jared & Eric Schwedler (5.97 lbs)

Gary Straber - Eric Schwedler (Big Bass) - Jeff Hackler

Points Champions Gary Straber & Jeff Hackler