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    Recordcount: 14

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Philpott Lake 2023 is in the books and we had a great weekend!

The friday night meeting was at First Baptist Church in Collinsville, VA. W always love our time at First Baptist and they make us feel at home. They made a breakfast for  Dinner that was great with sausage bacon eggs and biscuts and gravy!

Our Speaker for the night was Rocky Rockwell and he had a great message about the Gospel of Jesus Christ..The morning started out cloudy and cool and everyone was early for the checkin sowe blasted off early!

After some tough fishing the team of Seth Comer and Mike Lester had the winning weight of 14.13 congratulations! 2nd place was the team of Taft Durr and Jon Simmons with 13.86. Coming in third was the team of Steve Deisher and Bobby Pauley with 13.44 and finishing fourth was the team of Jared Sowers and Kevin Allison with 12.56. Just out of the money and winning a pair of new Rods was the team of Kameron Hall and Tanner Carter with 12.52.

Our next tournament is June 17 at Lake Moomaw.

FOM Virginia west would like to thank all our great  local sponsors that make this a great tournament trail

McCraw Insurance Agency, Sowers Electric,  Blue Eagle Credit Union, Paul Menschner Stae Farm, Swamp Monkey Lures, Foot Hills Marine, SML Tackle Shack, Santana Kinlaw with Edward Jones, Back Creek Custom Rods,Nixon Land Surveying and L&S Cleaning.



Stren Phillpott Lake - 05/20/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30109 Seth Comer
Mike Laster
5 3.49 14.63 0.5 14.13 200

2 30191 Taft Durr
Jon Simmons
5 0 13.86 0 13.86 199

3 30243 Steve Deisher
Bobby Pauley II
5 3.84 13.44 0 13.44 148

4 30016 Jared Sowers
Kevin Allison
5 0 12.56 0 12.56 197

5 30111 Kameron Hall
Tanner Carter
5 0 12.77 0.25 12.52 196

6 30374 Jeff Camp
Nathan Alt
5 0 11.48 0 11.48 195

7 30208 Ricky Grant
Greg Stallings
5 0 11.42 0 11.42 194

8 30209 Rick Kinlaw
Gary Flinchum
5 3.46 11.12 0 11.12 193

9 30195 Jason Lee
AJ Smith
5 0 10.33 0 10.33 192

10 30819 Ray Scroggins
Christopher Scroggins
5 0 10.07 0 10.07 191

11 30015 Cliff Sturgell
Jim Perry
5 0 9.61 0 9.61 190

12 30423 Russell Nixon
Levi Marshall
5 2.2 9.38 0 9.38 189

13 30156 Kyle Moore
Edward Strealy
5 0 9.18 0 9.18 188

14 30014 Michael Blankenship
Joshua Blankenship
5 0 9.07 0 9.07 187

15 30107 Stephen Highfield
Jeff Mills
5 2.79 8.75 0 8.75 186

16 30108 Steven Bishop
Richard Alley
5 0 7.46 0 7.46 185

17 30240 Donald King
Matthew King
5 0 7.2 0 7.2 134

18 30192 Michael Baden
Wanda Baden
5 0 6.75 0 6.75 183

19 30629 Timothy Sharp
Jonathan Johnson
3 2.93 5.36 0 5.36 182