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    Recordcount: 14

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The fifth and final tournament of the season was on Green River Lake on Saturday June 3rd.  On Friday night we started the weekend at Campbellsville Christian Church listening to a message from Steve Lawson.  Steve asked our members if they was truely fishers of men and if not he talked to us about the tools that we could use to help us become fishers of men.  

Saturday mornings weather was great, it was a little cool at blastoff but that quickly changed to 90 degree highs.  The compitition stayed hot as well with a very tight points race that made for an exciting weighin.  The team that came to the scaled with the winning bag of fish was the team of Grigsby and Poynter with a limit of bass weighing 18.82lbs.  I am sure that they caught their fish on something that starts with B C.  In second place was the team of Wilson and Wilson.  These two brothers had a nice limit of fish weighting 14.27lbs.  Todd said they caught their by fishing flats 8 -10 feet deep using jigs.  In third place was the team of Bowling and Simpson with 13.95lbs.  The thing that everyone wanted to see was who was going to be this years points champions.  With Greg Profit and Keith Monson entering the tournament with a 1 point lead over the team of Logan Estes and Taylor Hansford.  Monson and Profit came to the scales with a limit weighing 13.33lbs.  After weighing their fish I talked to Greg and he was not to confident that weight would help them get a automatic bid to the nationals next spring.  Estes and Hansford keep things interesting being the last boat to weigh in, as you could tell they knew it was going to be very close.  Logan and Taylors weight was 13.06lbs, just shy of becoming the 2023 Points Champions.  Congratulations to Profit and Monson on a great season!  This has been a fun year, and some changes are coming for next season, so keep an eye on the website for the 2024 schedule and hope to see everyone back next year! 

Fishers of Men would like to thank all of their fine sponsors;  Abu Garcia, BassCatt Boats, Berkley, Frogg Toggs, Jacobs Glass, Mercury, Power-Pole, Realtree Fishing, Spiderwire Durabraid, T&H Marine, and X2 Power.

Fishers of Men would also like to thank all of their local sponsors:  Don Franklin, Land Big Fish, Tip Top Contracting, Andy Dunn D.W. Construction, Hayes HVAC, Strongs Electrical Service, Beldon Concrete, Atwood Insurance, Whites Woodworking and Ted Grigsby from BC Lures.  

Stren Green River Lake - 06/03/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30464 Kelly Poynter
Ted Grigsby
5 5.52 18.82 0 18.82 150

2 27077 Doug Coulter
Todd Wilson
5 0 14.77 0.5 14.27 149

3 27238 Richard Bowling
Jarrod Simpson
5 3.65 13.95 0 13.95 198

4 27086 Billy Duncan
Leroy Gosser
5 4.55 13.75 0 13.75 147

5 27082 Greg Profitt
Keith Monson
5 0 13.33 0 13.33 196

6 27076 Taylor Hansford
Logan Estes
5 0 13.06 0 13.06 195

7 30859 Jeff Phillips
Roy Phillips
5 0 12.67 0 12.67 194

8 30466 Jack Jones
Cory Jones
5 0 12.49 0 12.49 193

9 28881 Steve Taylor
Jeff Bivins
5 3.06 11.51 0 11.51 192

10 27081 Jared Carpenter
Brian Ross
5 0 10.79 0 10.79 191

11 27095 Jeffery Strong
Anderson Dunn
5 0 10.17 0 10.17 190

12 30468 Allan Farris
Dallas Neat
4 3.17 9.32 0 9.32 189

13 27239 Bob Denny
Lloyd Mcguffey
5 3.37 8.92 0 8.92 188

14 27398 Jerry Hogue
Steve Prewitt
5 0 8.64 1 7.64 137

15 27085 Mike Devere
Jennifer Devere
1 3.64 3.64 0 3.64 186

16 27087 Chris Ring
Josh Clark
2 0 2.97 0 2.97 135

17 29519 Rick Carpenter
Derek Carpenter
2 0 2.9 0 2.9 184

18 30463 Evan Williams
Jared Rudd
0 0 0 0 0 133