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Michael Kinard and Aaron Harwood win on High Rock with 27.84 pounds and collect over $5,000 in winnings.

Our morning started off with our very own Curtis Cox bringing God’s word. Notes from Curtis: The Word of God was present & we need to be focused on the TRUTH!

In a world that allows people to try to identify as animals or change their sex, etc.…. when CNN, fox or whatever you listen to tells you this or that. We can’t find the truth in any of it! We can’t look to this world for the truth.

In John 14 Jesus is preparing His disciples for his arrest & death. These are words of encouragement for them & should be for us also during times of hardship & for us to keep our faith focused on the one Truth.

So, what is the truth…John 14:6 “I am the way and THE TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

We don’t have to look around in the darkness/world for the truth. The Truth is Jesus Christ and The Word of God.

Hebrew 1:3 “He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature.”

Jesus is the absolute embodiment of truth.

When we stop focusing on the things of this world and start focusing on Jesus, then we find The Truth!

You see all the things of this world can’t give us what focusing on the truth can give us.

The world will leave you empty inside & desiring more & never being fulfilled.

The only way to be full, to really be content is thru the Truth that is Jesus Christ

And then & only then will get John 14:27…. “Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

So, if you’re walking in a valley, if you’re struggling to see thru the darkness or just can’t seem to get any rest…. give it to Jesus!


We blasted off 68 boats to a cool beautiful morning. High Rock always seems to show off in the spring and today was no exception. WOW did she show out. We had 2 fish over 9 pounds, 1 at 8 pounds and 3 over 7 and several over 5 pounds. When all the smoke cleared the team of Michael Kinard and Aaron Harwood took 1st place with 27.84 pounds and the big fish of 9.89 and winnings of $5,075. 2nd place went to the team of Chris Wagner and Greg Deal with 21.65 pounds and winnings of $1,575. 3rd place went to the team of Jarrett Freeze and Rodney Adams with 20.48 pounds and winnings of $1,230. The top three teams reported catching their fish on spinnerbaits and jigs. 4th place went to the team of Calvin McCaskill and Joseph Campbell with 19.90 pounds and winnings of $700. The team of Craig Chambers and Kevin Toler took 5th place with 19.86 pounds and winnings of $500. Rounding out the teams in the money are 6th place Roy Barrow and Steve Dyer. 7th Shawn Williams and Curtis Cox. 8th Justin and Chad Hill. 9th Steve Summer and Jason Thomas. 10th was Adam Edwards. 11th Ladd and Landon Whicker 12th Roger Hoover. 13th Bart and Wyatt Hill.

Kinard & Harwood Won $500 for the Big Fish of the tournament 9.89 pounds.

I want to thank our staff for all their help and thank all of you for fishing with us the season. Our next tournament is April 8th on Lake Norman. Our meeting will be on the water before blast off.

The Team of Brad Peyton and Chuck Huffman won the team out of the money drawing and will receive a free entry into one tournament.

Ethan Preslar won the Rock Outdoors $50 gift certificate for the highest finishing youth.

Robert Mixon won the Legends $150 gift certificate from Rock Outdoors.

Jason Thomas and Steve Summer won the $250 gift certificate for the highest placing team in a new boat purchased from Rock Outdoors in the last 36 months.

Remember if you fish all five tournaments you will be in the drawing for $1,000 and you can fish all divisional championships.  Also, our NC Piedmont points champion this season is estimated to receive over $1,700.

We want to thank our NC Piedmont division sponsors.

Rock Outdoors

Go to Rock Outdoors for all your outdoor needs!


Todd Hoover Financial Advisor

 Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Mercury, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Spiderwire DuraBraid, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, Frogg Toggs,  Jacobs Glass, Real Tree Fishing, X2 Power, FireFly, FSB Mortgage

Share all our tournament schedule and info with your friends Go to our web page for more info and to sign up. fomntt.com
Click on NC Piedmont Division.

Tournament Fees
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Stren High Rock - 03/18/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 23760 Michael Kinard
Aaron Harwood
5 9.89 27.84 0 27.84 200

2 30301 Chris Wagner
Greg Deal
5 0 21.65 0 21.65 199

3 28675 Jarrett Freeze
Rodney Adams
5 5.67 20.48 0 20.48 198

4 28685 Calvin McCaskill
Joseph Campbell
5 0 19.9 0 19.9 197

5 30279 Craig Chambers
Kevin Toler
5 8 19.86 0 19.86 196

6 30100 Roy Barrow
Stephen Dyer
5 6.24 19.38 0 19.38 195

7 18530 Shawn Williams
Curtis Cox
5 5.35 19.19 0 19.19 194

8 30292 Justin Hill
Chad Hill
5 0 19.11 0 19.11 193

9 23772 Steve Summer
Jason Thomas
5 0 18.36 0 18.36 192

10 30177 Adam Edwards
5 0 18.27 0 18.27 191

11 15903 Ladd Whicker
Landon Whicker
5 0 18.16 0 18.16 190

12 28828 Roger Hoover
5 0 17.5 0 17.5 189

13 30152 Bart Hill
Wyatt Hill
5 0 17.35 0 17.35 188

14 6486 C J Johnston
Matt Stanley
5 0 16.68 0 16.68 187

15 26046 James Ray
Orlando Giles
5 0 16.37 0 16.37 186

16 25738 Michael Love
Joshua Love
5 0 16.14 0 16.14 185

17 450 Robert Mixon
Robert Lambert
5 0 15.82 0 15.82 184

18 30178 Brad Peyton
Bobby Henderson
5 6.55 15.72 0 15.72 183

19 28677 Mark Murphy
Jarrett Albright
5 0 15.66 0 15.66 182

20 23759 Robin Collins
Ronnie White
5 0 15.41 0 15.41 181

21 26607 Todd Harris
Christopher Brown
5 0 15.25 0 15.25 180

22 25238 Chris Coble
Jim Long
5 0 15.11 0 15.11 179

23 25221 Casey Hissim
Dakota Garner
5 0 14.33 0 14.33 178

24 8405 Dave Snyder
Byron Odaniel
5 0 14.32 0 14.32 177

25 30288 Michael Davis
Jason Barnes
5 0 13.42 0 13.42 329

26 27147 David Anderson
Victor Story
4 0 13.32 0 13.32 175

27 632 Tony Foster
Steve Sink
5 0 12.81 0 12.81 174

28 28669 Jamie Benton
Mark Green
4 0 11.89 0 11.89 173

29 12273 Rodney Cozart
Mitch Drew
3 0 11.33 0 11.33 172

30 30030 Dustin Clontz
Lance Isenhour
5 0 11.16 0 11.16 171

31 28535 Zachary McLean
Charles Mclean
4 0 10.15 0 10.15 170

32 30182 Jacob Fitzgerald
Jeff Ozman
4 0 9.95 0 9.95 169

33 28673 Chris Albright
Tanner Albright
3 0 9.88 0 9.88 168

34 28684 Weston Lineberry
Jordan Taylor
4 4.55 9.45 0 9.45 167

35 22613 Kenneth Shumate
Michael Norman
4 0 9.18 0 9.18 166

36 23783 Cody Thompson
Ethan Cox
3 0 9.17 0 9.17 165

37 22496 Brent Robertson
Tim Ramey
2 0 9.13 0 9.13 164

38 28817 Rodney Eller
Mike Sides
4 0 8.82 0 8.82 163

39 28683 Van Powell
James Marshall
2 0 8.36 0 8.36 162

40 26731 Kenneth Earnhardt
Eric Rhodes
3 0 7.76 0 7.76 161

41 27611 Anthony Aaron
Spencer Moffitt
2 0 7.57 0 7.57 160

42 28692 Tony Bush
3 0 6.68 0 6.68 159

43 30302 David Miller
2 0 6.54 0 6.54 158

44 30153 Anthony Campbell
Scott Mason
3 0 6.07 0 6.07 157

45 17636 Anthony McCraw
Penny McCraw
1 5.28 5.28 0 5.28 156

46 15110 Billy Wright
Grant McPeters
2 0 5.11 0 5.11 155

47 28827 John Harris
Doug Graf
2 0 4.95 0 4.95 154

48 30031 Robert Trueblood
norman wright
3 0 4.87 0 4.87 153

49 30180 Michael Chronister
Alfred Kiesling Sr
2 0 4.76 0 4.76 152

50 28826 Michael Baden
Wanda Baden
2 0 4.43 0 4.43 151

51 30099 Gary Rose
Tim Kitchene
2 0 4.09 0 4.09 150

52 30181 Justin Rutherford
Kenneth Wurst
1 3.23 3.23 0 3.23 149

53 30186 Robbie Moffitt
Kirby Moffitt
2 0 2.81 0 2.81 148

54 28671 Justin Hairston
Jackie Hardy
1 2.72 2.72 0 2.72 147

55 12936 Ronnie Smith
Randy Weddington
0 0 0 0 0 146

56 19878 Joshua Preslar
Neil Preslar
0 0 0 0 0 146

57 24001 Greg Gooch
Gary Abbott
0 0 0 0 0 146

58 25223 Timothy Robbins
Allen Robbins
0 0 0 0 0 146

59 25259 Ryan Pardue
Smith Ray
0 0 0 0 0 146

60 26744 Danny Nifong
Matthew Nifong
0 0 0 0 0 146

61 26970 Chad Poteat
Maurice Freeze
0 0 0 0 0 146

62 28686 Ethan Austin
Brad Austin
0 0 0 0 0 146

63 29061 Michael Coley
Alan Thompson
0 0 0 0 0 146

64 29203 Jared Garland
0 0 0 0 0 146

65 30032 Ricky Rhodes
Bobby Williams
0 0 0 0 0 146

66 30135 Chad Kindley
Jonathan Craven
0 0 0 0 0 146

67 30184 Adam Younts
Eric Young
0 0 0 0 0 146

68 28010 Marty Nester
Don Smith
0 0 0 0 0 146

Michael Kinard & Aaron Harwood

Greg Deal & Chris Wagner

Jarrett Freeze & Rodney Adams

Calvin McCaskill & Joseph Campbell

Craig Chambers & Kevin Toller

Steve Dyer & Roy Barrow

Shawn Williams & Curtis Cox

Chad & Justin Hill

Jason Thomas & Steve Summer

Adam Edwards

Landon & Ladd Whicker

Roger Hoover

Wyatt & Bart Hill

Matt Stanley

Joshua & Mike Love