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    Recordcount: 14

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Friday night meeting was great. We had beautiful weather. Floyd and Dee Ann Williams took Friday to Barbecue ribs, chicken and shoulder to hoist our meal. They told me to go fishing and not to worry about the food. It was great and truly appreciated. Big Thanks. We had 45 show up for the meeting. We read from Mathew 18. Talked about how Jesus wants us to change our sinful life style. We are saved by Grace. He paid the price and we need to accept Him!

Saturday we blasted off at safe light wanting to see how Kentucky Lake would be. The lake is in no way the lake it was 8 years ago but is showing signs of recovery. 10 teams brought limits to the scales. Seeing a lot of smallmouth at the scales. Jeff and Kelly Lamberth had a great day with 23.75 pounds and big fish at 7.44. Larry and Philip Harris was 2nd with 18.05, 3rd was Hunter Alsup and David Wilso with 14.47; 4th was Robert Brownlee and Kent McAfee with 14.30, Craig Muller and David Prentice was 5th with 13.96. We will have our last tournament on July 8 on Old Hickory Lake. Thanks to all who fished with us this weekend.

                                                                            May God Bless You All             


Stren Kentucky - 06/10/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30333 Jeff Lamberth
Kelly Lamberth
5 7.44 23.75 0 23.75 200

2 2390 Larry Harris
Phillip Harris
5 5.15 18.05 0 18.05 199

3 24295 Hunter Alsup
David Wilson
5 4.42 14.47 0 14.47 198

4 30334 Robert Brownlee
Kent McAfee
5 0 14.3 0 14.3 197

5 1482 David Prentice
Craig Muller
5 3.84 13.96 0 13.96 196

6 29324 Jimmy Clary
Joshua Clary
5 3.82 13.6 0 13.6 195

7 4645 James Hanson
David Hanson
5 0 13.82 0.5 13.32 194

8 30330 Thomas Cheshire
Richard Marlow
5 0 13.29 0 13.29 193

9 18960 Steve Denny
Kevin Hall
5 3.41 13.02 0.25 12.77 192

10 30105 Len Harley
Dustin Walker
5 0 12.79 0.25 12.54 191

11 30159 Todd Spann
Jamie Whitfield
4 0 8.35 0 8.35 190

12 25667 Harry Smith
Terry Hayden
4 0 8.07 0 8.07 189

13 30445 Kevin Lamb
Alex Roberts
3 0 7.35 0 7.35 188

14 27228 Jeremy Ethridge
Jay Melton
3 0 6.33 0 6.33 187

15 17424 Cory Hale
Daniel Lefebvre
2 3.52 5.65 0 5.65 136

16 30260 Chase Morgan
Steven Duke
2 0 5.51 0 5.51 185

17 23054 Denver Henderson
David Henderson
2 0 4.83 0 4.83 184

18 24296 Eddie Stover
Jonathan Wingo
2 0 3.91 0 3.91 183

19 30331 Willis Peterman
Ronald Perrine
1 0 2.74 0 2.74 182

20 30198 Thad Smith
Caleb Smith
0 0 0 0 0 181

21 28272 William Sneed
Tim Queener
0 0 0 0 0 181

22 18957 Adam Sneed
William Trey Sneed
0 0 0 0 0 181

23 28668 Barry McEntire
Andrew McEntire
0 0 0 0 0 181

24 27219 Chris Todd
Riley Todd
0 0 0 0 0 181

25 30403 Jimmy Chambers
Bryan Biggers
0 0 0 0 0 181

26 27225 Floyd Williams
Dee Ann Williams
0 0 0 0 0 181

27 30196 Scott Sharp
DW Sharp
0 0 0 0 0 131

1st place Jeff and Kelly Lamberth 23.75 and big fish 7.44

3rd place Hunter Alsup and David Wilson 14.47