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What a GREAT week end! Friday night we had 4 teams represented with a total of 9 people ( 3 youth fisherman). We had a hot dog meal with ice cream sandwiches. Talked about Jimmy Houston and Jesus Christ. How Jimmy a pro fisherman was a Believer and Jesus the Son of God. 

Saturday had rain in the forcast. Had a beautiful day with no rain. We had a total of 8 teams. Hunter Alsup and Aiden Yates won with 4 fish 8.24 pounds, 2nd was David and Samuel Hansin with 4 fish 8.21 pounds, 3rd was Robert and Jase Brownlee with 4 fish 8.17 pounds, 4th was Harry Smith and Zeke Long with 3 fish 7.39 pounds, 5th was Carl and Dayton Heflin with 3 fish 7.06 pounds, 6th was Jeff and Liam Lamberth with 2 fish 5.51 pounds and big fish, a small mouth at 3.98 pounds. Eric and Brayden Heflin, Adam and Colton Thomas ended the day with no keepers. 

I hope all had as good a time as I did. The next Legacy will be at Old Hickory on June 3rd. 

              MAY GOD BLESS ALL


Legacy Tournment Percy Priest - 05/06/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 27709 Hunter Alsup
Alden Yates
3 3.44 8.24 0 8.24 150

2 18036 David Hanson
Samuel Hanson
4 0 8.21 0 8.21 199

3 26015 Robert Brownlee
Jase Brownlee
4 0 8.17 0 8.17 148

4 29254 Harry Smith
Ezekiel Long
3 3.02 7.39 0 7.39 197

5 24778 Carl Heflin
Dayton Heflin
3 2.41 7.06 0 7.06 146

6 30870 Jeff Lamberth
Liam Lamberth
2 3.98 5.51 0 5.51 195

7 30691 Adam Thomas
Colton Thomas
0 0 0 0 0 194

8 30770 Eric Heflin
Brayden Heflin
0 0 0 0 0 144