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    Recordcount: 14

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 Our 5th Stop of the Sc Lowcountry kicked off Friday night at First Baptist Georgetown where Keith Wall, Jack Bowers and crew fixed a delicous meal consisting of Grilled Ribeyes, Potatoe casserole, Green beans and Rolls with Brownies and Ice Cream to top it off.  Our message asked the question Who is Jesus to You and some important decisions were made.

Our 37 teams left Bucksport Marina at 6:00 am in search of the winning bag of Largemouths. Despite a rising tide most of the day and a full moom which pushed it even higher, the team of Chuck Howard and Ken Ellis managed a great bag weighing 16.40 to take the win by almost 6 lbs and collect $3300

Finishing 2nd were the current Points leaders Darrell Shull and Jimmie Vining with 10.89 lbs earning them a $1620 payday.

In 3rd place Wayne Frierson and Ronnie Mueller rode the Tournaments Big Fish a 5.68 lb beauty to a 9.65 lb bag and a $1305 payday.

Finishing 4th was the team of Dane Odom and Ross Burns who moved into 2nd in the Points with 9.43 lbs

Rounding out the top 5 was the team of Patrick Cook and Nick Gant with a 9.14 lb bag

Our final event of the year will be Aug 26th out of the Hilton Boat ramp.

Fishers of Men would like to thank all our National Sponsors, Berkley, Basscat Boats, Mercury, Abu Garcia, Spiderwire Durabraid, Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Powerpole, TH Marine, X2 Power, Frogg Toggs,  Jacobs Glass and local sponsors JC’s Outdoors and Shull Island Wood Works

Stren Winyah Bay - 06/03/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 18917 Chuck Howard
Ken Ellis
5 4.2 16.4 0 16.4 200

2 23834 Darrell Shull
James Vining
5 4.91 10.89 0.25 10.64 199

3 339 Wayne Frierson
Ronald Mueller
4 5.68 9.65 0 9.65 198

4 8000 Ross Burns
Dane Odom
5 0 9.43 0 9.43 197

5 29692 Nick Gant
Patrick Cook
5 0 9.14 0 9.14 196

6 30290 Chris Gramling
Cameron Gramling
5 3.58 9.1 0 9.1 195

7 30285 David Kneece
Terry Thomas
5 3.83 8.96 0 8.96 194

8 29711 Phillip Hawkins
Dean Graham
3 3.93 8.81 0 8.81 193

9 30923 Greg Mckelvey
Will Hendrick
5 0 8.42 0 8.42 142

10 30939 Jordon Cook
Justin Williams
5 0 8.41 0.25 8.16 141

11 30940 A Vereen
C Hartley
5 0 7.71 0 7.71 140

12 29773 Tripp Fryar
Eric Hutchinson
5 0 7.38 0 7.38 189

13 30280 Bo Chappell
Ryan Chappell
5 0 7.32 0 7.32 138

14 21058 Justin Marlowe
Jordan Marlowe
5 0 6.94 0 6.94 187

15 30932 Cody Lively
Jacob Powers
5 0 6.74 0 6.74 186

16 30313 Ben Cox
brandon porter
5 0 6.69 0 6.69 185

17 25397 Marshall French
Tripp Poplin
5 0 6.41 0 6.41 184

18 22430 Chris Veronee
Tucker Veronee
3 0 5.63 0 5.63 183

19 30937 Jason Smith
Shane Thomas
3 0 5.8 0.25 5.55 182

20 30936 Keith Gossett
Stephen Ryce
5 0 5.54 0 5.54 131

21 26660 James Fields
Harold Woods
5 0 5.25 0 5.25 180

22 24729 Christopher Hawkins
Shayne Hawkins
4 0 4.55 0 4.55 179

23 30726 Timothy Gamble
Tracy Gamble
4 0 4.01 0 4.01 128

24 25167 David Hardee
Trey Hardee
3 0 3.94 0 3.94 177

25 18689 Maurice Sauls
Robbie Amos
2 0 3.79 0 3.79 176

26 22434 Sam Hopkins
Craig Matthews
3 0 3.25 0 3.25 175

27 18001 Mike Watson
Craig McFadden
3 0 3.2 0 3.2 174

28 23807 Keith Britt
Jerry Montjoy
2 0 1.9 0.25 1.65 173

29 25393 William Willis
Samuel Porter
0 0 0 0 0 172

30 30924 Casey Warren
Britt Brown
0 0 0 0 0 122

31 29778 Thad Driggers
Bunn Tyson
0 0 0 0 0 122

32 30933 Jacob Barfield
Carluss King
0 0 0 0 0 122

33 30934 David Crabill
0 0 0 0 0 122

34 30935 Steve Thomas
Trey Rex
0 0 0 0 0 122

35 30938 Avery Williams
Wilson Springs
0 0 0 0 0 122

36 30941 P Tindal
J Jones
0 0 0 0 0 122

37 30942 Michael Morris
Ron Poston
0 0 0 0 0 172