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    Recordcount: 14

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We are excited to be hosted by Life Church At Trinity

239 Allred Mill Rd.

Jasper, GA 30143

Check in begins at 5:15pm

Meeting to start promptly at 6pm

Meal will be provided!!

Tournament Feb 11

Location: Carters Lake

Ramp: Woodring Branch

Safe Light to 3pm


**ENTRY DEADLINE TO AVOID THE $25 LATE FEE: Feb 5, 2023 11:59pm**

Entry Fees need to be paid by Friday Feb 10, 2023 by the time Speaker Begins One member from each team must be present through the speaker's presentation to receive meeting points (50). No entry will be taken after the speaker starts. No entry will be taken at the ramp.


Carters Lake Feb 11


This Donate button allows you to give even more to help the Blue Ridge Division grow and deliver a first class tournament experience as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May the Lord Bless and Keep You!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!

Stren Carters Lake - 02/11/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 29719 Harold Grizzle
David Millsaps
5 5.23 16.3 0 16.3 200

2 10122 Kevin Sanders
Konnor Sanders
5 0 14.07 0 14.07 199

3 26699 Brandon Dockery
Marc Eggers
5 0 13.71 0 13.71 198

4 29718 Josh Wilson
Douglas Robinson
5 0 13.9 0.25 13.65 197

5 23884 Terry Sullens
Raymond McIntyre
5 0 13.64 0 13.64 196

6 26697 Anthony Thompson
Furman Thompson
5 0 12.97 0 12.97 195

7 23882 William Anglin
Mark Anglin
5 0 12.76 0 12.76 194

8 29784 Robert Brannon
Shane Brannon
5 0 11.05 0 11.05 193

9 28307 Roger Fisher
Justin Ledford
4 0 10.36 0 10.36 192

10 29723 Paul Silvers
Terry Roper
5 0 10.33 0 10.33 191

11 29722 Brent Davenport
Greg McFarland
4 0 8.79 0 8.79 190

12 25217 Johnny Mathis
Larry Spain
5 0 7.75 0 7.75 189

13 29731 James Barclay
Cody Koehler
2 0 4.3 0 4.3 188

14 29727 Jeremy Adams
Jerry Adams
0 0 0 0 0 137

15 29934 Rob Engle
Matthew Barranco
0 0 0 0 0 137

16 24390 David Millsaps
Donna Tripplett
0 0 0 0 0 137

17 29726 Berry Parker
David Overbay
0 0 0 0 0 137

18 26696 Steve Foster
Anthony Johnson
0 0 0 0 0 137

19 29933 Joshua Banks
Darrin Robinson
0 0 0 0 0 137

20 29788 Josh Bail
0 0 0 0 0 137