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2023 Berkley Team Series District 4 Champions Cody Thompson & James Thompson

The District 4 Berkley Classic Series Championship Presented by RealTree Fishing started Saturday morning dawned with a full moon and clear skies.  The 45 boats left Blythe Landing to seal their position on Lake Norman and qualify for the National Championship held in Florida on the Harris Chain.

When it was time to close the scales the team of Cody Thompson and James Thompson had a 5 fish limit for the day weighing 15.45 lbs and a 2-day total of 28.64 to seal the win.

In second is the team of Jarrett Freeze and Rodney Adams had another solid limit for a 2-day total of 27.79 lbs

In 3rd after day 2 is the team of Donovan Smith and Marty Nester with 24.21 lbs

In 4th the team of Michael Chronister and Alfred Kiesling with 23.70 lbs

Day 2 Big Fish winners and also 5th place were Jason Clauss and Richard Roland with a nice 4.78 lber and overall weight of 23.46 lbs.

Fishers of Men would like to thank our Host Visit Lake Norman and all our National Sponsors, Berkley, Basscat Boats, Mercury, Abu Garcia, Spiderwire Durabraid, Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Powerpole, TH Marine, X2 Power, Frogg Toggs, Jacobs Glass, and Fish 4:19 Performance Gear

Stren 2023 District 4 Championship on Lake Norman-Day 2 - 09/30/23

| View Multiday Day Results | Day 1 | Day 2 |


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 31186 Cody Thompson
James Thompson
5 4.63 15.45 0 15.45 200

2 28675 Jarrett Freeze
Rodney Adams
5 0 14.02 0 14.02 199

3 26496 Jason Clauss
Richard Roland
5 4.78 12.96 0 12.96 196

4 30308 Gilbert Sanford
Robert Cook
5 4.1 13.64 0.75 12.89 176

5 28994 Alan Revels
Jason Holt
5 0 12.77 0 12.77 188

6 28010 Marty Nester
Don Smith
5 3.28 12.09 0 12.09 198

7 28827 John Harris
Doug Graf
5 0 12.02 0 12.02 180

8 30918 Roger Hoover
Scott Hamrick
5 0 11.4 0 11.4 194

9 30180 Michael Chronister
Alfred Kiesling Sr
5 0 11.21 0 11.21 197

10 28669 Jamie Benton
Mark Green
5 0 10.99 0 10.99 195

11 28676 Zac Gooch
Derrick Taylor
5 0 10.76 0 10.76 182

12 30430 Zachary Pringle
Adam Parker
5 0 10.65 0 10.65 193

13 30288 Michael Davis
Jason Barnes
5 0 10.53 0 10.53 184

14 28537 Kevin Pratt
Tyler Clement
5 0 10.5 0 10.5 189

15 8405 Dave Snyder
Byron Odaniel
5 0 10.17 0 10.17 191

16 26731 Kenneth Earnhardt
Eric Rhodes
5 0 10.16 0 10.16 179

17 29061 Michael Coley
Alan Thompson
5 0 9.83 0 9.83 187

18 6486 C J Johnston
Matt Stanley
5 0 9.73 0 9.73 185

19 22613 Kenneth Shumate
Michael Norman
5 0 9.68 0 9.68 186

20 25223 Timothy Robbins
Allen Robbins
5 0 9.57 0 9.57 190

21 19878 Joshua Preslar
Neil Preslar
5 0 9.56 0 9.56 183

22 28677 Mark Murphy
Jarrett Albright
5 0 9.54 0 9.54 192

23 19141 Matt Priode
Len Priode
5 0 9.31 0 9.31 178

24 25259 Ryan Pardue
Smith Ray
5 0 8.89 0 8.89 173

25 24001 Greg Gooch
Gary Abbott
5 0 8.79 0 8.79 181

26 28538 Robert Branson
Jeff Gordon
3 0 7.11 0.25 6.86 174

27 30304 Walter Whitman
J.T. Harrell
4 0 6.24 0 6.24 161

28 28817 Rodney Eller
Mike Sides
3 0 5.67 0 5.67 172

29 30953 Kenneth Wallace
Jason Samson
2 0 5.52 0 5.52 169

30 31143 Maurice Parent
Michael Harrah
3 0 4.88 0 4.88 175

31 28733 John Doughty
Ron Duffy
2 0 4.11 0 4.11 177

32 28692 Tony Bush
1 1.49 1.49 0 1.49 164

33 28683 Van Powell
James Marshall
0 0 0 0 0 162

34 30100 Roy Barrow
Stephen Dyer
0 0 0 0 0 166

35 23759 Robin Collins
Ronnie White
0 0 0 0 0 168

36 15110 Billy Wright
Grant McPeters
0 0 0 0 0 163

37 30152 Bart Hill
Wyatt Hill
0 0 0 0 0 159

38 12936 Ronnie Smith
Randy Weddington
0 0 0 0 0 165

39 30836 Alton Lamm
Preston Lamm
0 0 0 0 0 170

40 25738 Michael Love
Joshua Love
0 0 0 0 0 171

41 29472 Brad Peyton
Charles (Chuck) Huffman
0 0 0 0 0 158

42 25221 Casey Hissim
Dakota Garner
0 0 0 0 0 158

43 30452 Dave Crawford
Kevin Schoenadel
0 0 0 0 0 160

44 30743 Bud Ratliff
Corey Ricketts
0 0 0 0 0 167

45 28671 Justin Hairston
Jackie Hardy
0 0 0 0 0 158

District 4 Champions Cody & James Thompson

2nd Place Overall Rodney Adams and Jarrett Freeze

3rd Place Overall Marty Nester and Donovan Smith

Day 2 Big Fish Jason Clauss and Richard Roland

Cody & James Thompson