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    Recordcount: 13

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This will be a Catch Photo Release Event, participants must bring either a cell phone capable of taking and texting pictures, or a digital camera that can be downloaded at the ramp. Each boat will get a scale( if you want to watch the scales be calibrated and get door prizes, please come the to the friday night meeting), anglers will take a picture of each fish caught, then release them. The top three weights from each boat will make total bag weight.

Friday night meeting  at 6 PM. I will execpt payments at the meeting, but please let me know if you are atteneding the meeting so I can be sure to have enough food.

**the meeting for the Little Seneca Lake Legacy tournament will be at black hill regional park, at one of the pavilions (probably shelter C, but look for our signs).


Choose Option
Choose Event
Name of Adult Angler
Name of Junior Angler



If you have any questions feel free to call or email me

His faithful servant,

Nate Hess




Ramp Location:

Black Hill Regional Park Public Boat Ramp

Black Hills Rd, Boyds, MD 20841


Friday Night Meeting Location:


Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spiderwire DuraBraid,   Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass

Legacy Tournment Little Seneca Lake - 05/13/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30769 Ralph Bradley III
Hunter Bradley
3 2.88 4.56 0 4.56 200

2 30768 Ralph Bradley Jr
Cort Bradley
2 0 4.44 0 4.44 199

3 28914 Jordan Dadario
Titan Daoario
3 0 3.81 0 3.81 148

4 30766 James Proctor
Landon Bradley
2 0 3.06 0 3.06 197

5 30767 Thomas Ramirez
Kyle Ramirez
0 0 0 0 0 196