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    Recordcount: 14

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In a near perfect weather setting, despite an obvious fish kill involving bluegill and crappie, the bass fishing at West Boggs turned out to be better than expected for the 5th tournament of the season.

Tristan Wagler took the win with an impressive bag of good fish. They had a total weight of 18.35 lb including the big fish of th enight at 4.84 lb. That bag puts them in the lead for the biggest bag of the season.

Chase Hall and Cameron Lane kept up their consistant streak finishing 2nd with a limit that weighed 13.98. In the last 3 tournaments, Chase and Cameron have a win and two 2nd place finishes.

The race for the points championship is heating up. With 3 tournaments left, Ron and Sam Maxwell have gained on Gary and Nate Higgins, closing the gap to 4 points.

Ten points back from the lead, the teams of Mark Miller and Luke Detweiler, David Jones and Brian Hochstettler, and Bobby Eads are all in a three way tie for 3rd.

Special thanks to our chaplain, Ron Maxwell, who consistantly brings a powerful message and challenges all of us before the tournament starts at every event.


Our next tournament night is May 30.

Fishers of Men would like to thank all our National Sponsors: Bass Cat Boats, Mercury, Abu Garcia, Berkley, Realtree Fishing, Spiderwire DuraBraid, Power-Pole, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, T&H Marine, and X2 Power, Frogg Toggs, and Jacobs Glass.

The West Boggs Division would like to thank our Division Sponsor, Vicky Speer, LLC of Williams, Carpenter Realtors in Bedford, Indiana. Call or text her at 812-583-3349 for all your real estate needs.

West Boggs-5 - 05/16/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 27610 Tristan Wagler
Stanley Kemp
5 4.84 18.35 0 18.35 200

2 27860 Chase Hall
Cameron Lane
5 3.91 14.23 0.25 13.98 199

3 23234 Sam Maxwell
Ron Maxwell
4 4.56 11.21 0 11.21 198

4 30412 Bruce Foutch
Gabe Thomas
4 0 9.72 0 9.72 197

5 30348 David Jones
Brian Hochstetler
4 0 8.48 0 8.48 196

6 28935 Bobby Eads
2 0 7.57 0 7.57 195

7 25597 Gary Higgins
Nate Higgins
3 0 5.64 0 5.64 194

8 25595 Don Apple
Draven Eads
2 0 5.01 0 5.01 193

9 30355 Mark Miller
Luke Detweiler
2 0 3.46 0 3.46 192

10 29047 Brian Rusher
Jeff Zuder
0 0 0 0 0 191

11 30354 Fred Winklepleck
Ken Fuller
0 0 0 0 0 191