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               The Maryland Division hosted its 4th Tournament on 6/3/2023 out of Smallwood State Park on the Potomac River. Thank you to Marbury Baptist Church and Pastor Tim for hosting the tournament dinner meeting! This group has been a favorite and a long time faithful partner in the ministry. Chaplain Paul Wiley shared the evening message using the story of Jonah. He spoke about repentance…both the repentance of the sinner when they turn from what they think is right to what God says is right at salvation and when the Christian is walking their daily life and need to adjust their path to what God is perfecting in their life.

               I would like to take a minute to commend our 17 teams for a very efficient launch! With the state park opening the gates at 5:00am and a 5:30am blast off, everyone moved like a well-choreographed routine! It was impressive!

               The weights have been down a bit for the last few weeks as many fish are in the post spawn phase and have flat bellys! Thomas Harden and Luis Ponce brought in the winning bag of 16.87 lbs. Father and son junior team Jami Johnson and Mason Johnson weighed 14.33 for second place. Bob Wolf and John Dell had 5 fish for 14.22 for 3rd place. The ever-consistent team of Billy Wiley and Bruce Ostrowski had 13.69 lbs for 4th place. The winners of the April Potomac tournament Jonathan and Jody Werner rounded out the top 5 with 13.50 lbs. The big fish of the tournament was 4.14 lbs. and was weighed in by the team of Bill Wiley Jr. and John Shipley.  

               The end of the year points race is tightening up as we head into the 5th and final tournament of the year. Tom and Jimmy are in the lead but Billy Wiley and Bruce Ostrowski are hot on their heels. Jonathan and Jody Werner are not far behind. Paul Wiley and Jon Crans are 4th and Bob Wolf and John Dell finish out the top 5. We still have 7 teams in the running for the end of the year points fund that pays out to the top 5 teams that have fished all 5 tournaments and attended all 5 meetings. The end of the year fund is sponsored by Fishermens-Heaven.store.             

               I would like to thank each one who helped with the tournament. From tournament weigh in set up, to publicity (Jon Crans), to our Chaplain (Paul Wiley), to family and fellow anglers who pitched in to help, we thank you for your service. Thank you, Nathan and Maureen Hess, for being with us and helping set up and keep the bags flowing.

The Maryland Division would like to thank Fishermens-Heaven.store for incredible support this year. In addition to product donations, they are sponsoring an end of the year Points Fund which pays back 5 places. Each team that participates in all 5 tournaments/meetings and completed a minimum $100.00 buy-in prior to the 4/22 tournament are eligible. We would also like to thank Stanford Baits for their continued support. Nathan Hess has designed and built our plaques for the winning teams and a big fish plaque for each tournament this year.

               Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spiderwire DuraBraid,   Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass.


Stren Potomac River - 06/03/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30595 Thomas Harden
Luis Ponce
5 4.07 16.87 0 16.87 200

2 30398 James Johnson
Mason Johnso
5 3.19 14.33 0 14.33 149

3 30390 Robert Wolf
John Dell
5 3.52 14.22 0 14.22 198

4 30402 William Wiley III
Bruce Ostrowski Sr
5 0 13.69 0 13.69 197

5 30405 Jonathan Werner
Jody Werner
5 3.43 13.5 0 13.5 196

6 30392 Jacob VanDeVander
Dylan Otte
5 0 13.35 0 13.35 145

7 30407 richard windsor III
Richard Windsor jr
5 3.02 12.98 0 12.98 144

8 30389 Sean Peddicord
Greg Burdick
5 3.38 12.79 0 12.79 193

9 30396 Paul Wiley
Jon Crans
5 0 12.69 0 12.69 192

10 30388 Tom Rufenacht
James Rufenacht
5 0 11.99 0 11.99 191

11 30800 William Wiley Jr
John Shipley
4 4.14 11.24 0 11.24 190

12 30401 Jeffrey Pelkey
Colton Pelkey
5 0 10.68 0 10.68 139

13 30386 Mickey McCleary
Butch Brooks
2 3.49 5.81 0 5.81 188

14 30387 Michael Malamphy
Thomas Waters
2 0 4.53 0 4.53 187

15 30780 Dylan Missimer
Jeffrey Long
0 0 0 0 0 186

16 30409 William Johnson
William Johnson III
0 0 0 0 0 186

17 30837 Jim Shinn
Elvin Martes
0 0 0 0 0 136

Thomas and Luis with 1st place plaques

The winning bag - 16.87 lbs.

Jami and Mason Johnson with a solid 5 for 14.33 lbs.

Bob Wolf and John Dell cashed a third-place check and weighed in 13.69 lbs.

Billy and Bruce with their 4th place bag

Jonathan and Jody Werner had 5th place for 13.50 lbs.

Jacob and Dylan had 13.35 for 6th place.

Bill Wiley and John Shipley took the big fish honors with their 4.14 lb. largemouth.

Sean's son Rory fished as a sub for Greg and they had a blast...catching a ton of fish and getting 8th place points.