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             The Maryland Division hosted its 5th Tournament on 6/17/2023 out of Dorsey Park on Conowingo Reservoir. Thank you to Victorious Faith Fellowship and Buzz and Marie Billings for hosting the dinner. Buzz and Marie provided a testimony of God’s hand of protection and provision during the recent tragic life event of the loss of their home while out of town. The message was inspirational as we consider God’s lovingkindness and watch care over our lives.

               I would like to take a minute to commend our 18 teams for working so well with the 3 other tournaments and the power plant’s regulations to make a smooth launch and retrieval of boats for this tournament. With the AM darkness, the unfamiliar location for several teams, the PM wind, and the crowded conditions, it made for a difficult process that still ended with a timely blast off following the prayer and national anthem and a fun weigh in.

               Lightning struck again as the experienced team of Buzz and Buzz Billings found an 18.66lb bag on this tough fishery. Though not fishing the trail this year, these guys have been long time FOM competitors and previous champions and have a long history of expertise on Conowingo Reservoir. Tom and Jimmy brought in 17.53lbs to finish second place. Jimmy had the big fish of the tournament with a largemouth that weighed 4.65lbs. Third place went to Paul Wiley and Jons Crans with 13.55lbs which is a great bag for the lake and would win many tournaments at this destination! Herb Weichmann and Marcus Griffin joined us for the first time and brought in 12.77 lbs and cashed a 3rd place Bonus bucks check for their efforts. Jeff Choi and Alicia Mull rounded out the top 5 with a limit for 12.48 lbs. It’s a great day when a competitor in a pink hoodie fills out the limit and puts a 3.55lb largemouth in the boat!

               The end of season Points Fund sponsored by Fishermens-Heaven.store, was distributed following the tournament. Each of these teams fished all 5 tournaments and attended all 5 dinner meetings. Tom and Jimmy Rufenacht were the points champions for 2023 and received $500.00. The 2nd place team was Bruce Ostrowski and Billy Wiley and they won $350.00. $250.00 went to Jonathan and Jody Werner for 3rd place. The team of Paul Wiley and Jon Crans took 4th for $200.00. The team of Bob Wolf and John Dell and Sean Peddicord and Greg Burdick tied for 5th. The tie was broken by total season weight and went to Sean Peddicord and Greg Burdick. Mike Malamphy and Tom Waters also had perfect attendance and consistently caught fish this year for 7th.

               I would like to thank each one who helped us this year! From tournament weigh in set up (Ted Quatman), to publicity (Jon Crans), to our Chaplain (Paul Wiley), to Jim Shinn who helped with procuring raffle prizes, to family and fellow anglers who pitched in to help, we thank you for your service. Thank you, Nathan and Maureen Hess, for being with us twice this year. A special thank you goes out to our churches who provided a meeting location and a meal. First Baptist Church of Havre de Grace, First Baptist Church of Perryville, Marbury Baptist Church, and Victorious Faith Fellowship were our faithful church partners this year.

The Maryland Division would like to thank Fishermens-Heaven.store for incredible support this year. In addition to product donations, they sponsored an end of the year Points Fund which pays back 5 places. We would also like to thank Stanford Baits for their continued support. Nathan Hess designed and built our plaques for the winning teams and a big fish plaque for each tournament this year.

               Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spiderwire DuraBraid,   Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass.



Stren Conowingo Reservoir - 06/17/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 31024 Buzzy Billings III
Buz Billings Jr.
5 4.29 18.66 0 18.66 200

2 30388 Tom Rufenacht
James Rufenacht
5 4.65 17.53 0 17.53 199

3 30396 Paul Wiley
Jon Crans
5 0 13.55 0 13.55 198

4 31028 Herb Weichmann
Marcus Griffin
5 3.81 12.77 0 12.77 147

5 30593 Jeffrey Choi
Alicia Mull
5 3.55 12.48 0 12.48 196

6 30402 William Wiley III
Bruce Ostrowski Sr
5 0 12.32 0 12.32 195

7 31023 Brian Setlock
Caleb Setlock
5 0 11.9 0 11.9 194

8 30389 Sean Peddicord
Greg Burdick
5 0 10.68 0 10.68 193

9 30401 Jeffrey Pelkey
Colton Pelkey
5 2.76 9.6 0 9.6 142

10 30405 Jonathan Werner
Jody Werner
5 0 8.95 0 8.95 191

11 30390 Robert Wolf
John Dell
5 0 8.84 0 8.84 190

12 31018 William Johnson III
Theophane Cotsonas
5 1.97 8.52 0 8.52 189

13 30386 Mickey McCleary
Butch Brooks
5 2.89 8.38 0 8.38 188

14 30837 Jim Shinn
Elvin Martes
5 0 8.33 0 8.33 187

15 30387 Michael Malamphy
Thomas Waters
5 0 7.68 0 7.68 186

16 30780 Dylan Missimer
Jeffrey Long
4 3.07 7.5 0 7.5 185

17 30392 Jacob VanDeVander
Dylan Otte
4 0 7.49 0 7.49 184

18 31006 Michael Saganich
Raymond Saganich
5 0 6.14 0 6.14 133

The GOAT on Conowingo Buzz and Buzz Billings with 18.66 lbs!

Tom and Jimmy thought they had it with 17.53 lbs.

Paul and Jon with 13.55 lbs for 3rd place.

Herb Weichmann and Marcus Griffin with 4th place and 12.77 lbs.

Jeff Choi and Alicia Mull 5th place 12.48 lbs.

Billy Wiley and Bruce Ostrowski with 12.32 lbs for 6th place.

Brian and Caleb Setlock had 11.90 lbs for 7th.

Tom and Jimmy won the end of season Points Fund

Billy Wiley and Bruce Ostrowski received second place end of season Points fund checks sponsored by FishermensHeaven.store.

Jonathan and Jody Werner received third place end of season Points fund checks sponsored by FishermensHeaven.store.

Paul Wiley and Jon Crans received fourth place end of season Points fund checks sponsored by FishermensHeaven.store.

Sean Peddicord and Greg Burdick received fifth place end of season Points fund checks sponsored by FishermensHeaven.store.