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    Recordcount: 14

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Our season ended on Leesville Lake, we had beautiful weather blasting off at 6:30. At the end of the day Savion Thompson and Thomas Thompson won the tournament and won Big Fish. Savion and Thomas took home $425.00 after winning $100.00 bonus bucks and $50.00 big fish.

2nd place today was Tyler Farmer and Trent Farmer taking home $150.00

3rd Place Seth Comer and Nathaniel Smith $75.00 + $60.00bb.

Our points champion was Seth Comer and Nathaniel Smith and they took home $750.00 in addition to the 3rd place money of $75.00 for this tournament and 2nd place bonus bucks. They took home a total of $885.00, Having a sponsor for the end of the year points race sure paid him well for a great season.

Just out of the money went to Ray Armes and Pierson Armes taking home two Abu Garcia Rods valued at $140.00 each.

Legacy Tournment Leesville Lake - 06/24/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 19307 Thomas Thompson
Savion Thompson
5 4.95 11.99 0 11.99 250

2 30866 Tyler Farmer
Trent Farmer
5 0 10.88 0 10.88 249

3 28902 Seth Comer
Nathanial Smith
5 3.57 9.72 0 9.72 248

4 25682 Ray Armes
Pierson Armes
5 0 9.67 0 9.67 247

5 23023 Darren Keith
Joshua Keith
3 3.87 7.89 0 7.89 246

6 30710 Frankie Hartman
Mason Hartman
5 0 6.81 0 6.81 245

7 30712 Russell Nixon
Levi Marshall
5 0 6.47 0 6.47 244

8 30867 Dave Crawford
Zachery Nave
4 0 5.4 0 5.4 243

9 31059 Jeremy Kent
Archer Kent
1 0.92 0.92 0 0.92 242

10 31060 Stephen Highfield
Logan Still
0 0 0 0 0 241