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Welcome Jr. Anglers to the 2nd Legacy event of the 2023 season. We will be launching from
Lakewood Landing Boat Launch
Boat Ramp Road 
Morganton GA 30560

Tournament hours are from safelight to 1:00pm
Meeting will follow tournament (No Friday Night Meeting)
This tournament will be a 5 fish format with a 12" size limit

Event Entry Below.. Please list names of both Anglers


Legacy Tournment Blue Ridge - 05/13/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30772 Michael Ray
Taylor Mullins
5 1.94 6.47 0 6.47 200

2 24975 Dustin Ray
Kaleb Cox
2 2.13 3.15 0 3.15 199

3 30640 Donald Bloom
Klay Bloom
0 0 0 0 0 198

4 28246 Weyman Ledford
Bailey Ledford
0 0 0 0 0 198