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    Recordcount: 13

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There will be a meeting 4/28 at west somerset Baptist church was pre meet with pastore Bruce Blevins gave a great devotional on change of the season. the morning of the 4/29 started off with a extend fog dely with team fellowshiped will waiting on the fog to lift. After we was able to go fishing we had a great day fishing Team Will and Jack Carnes came to the scale with winning weight of 10.68 of small mouth and large mouth also having the winning big fish a small mouth weighing in at 4.28 2nd place was team Stran Carnes and John arnes with weight of 5.70 i would like to think everyone for comming out and fishing with us god bless.

sponsor: BassCat Mercury Realtree Fishing Firefly AbuGarcia Berkley Dura Braid TH Marine X2 power Frogg toggs 

would like to thank our Local sponors Land Big Fish ,Jats ,BC lures, C&N Custom baits Coffman rods

Legacy Tournment Lake clumberland - 04/29/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30667 Will Carnes
Jack Henry Carnes
4 4.65 10.68 0 10.68 150

2 30669 Stan Carnes
John Scott Carnes
3 2.55 5.7 0 5.7 200

3 26038 Billy Duncan
Kaylee Duncan
3 2.86 4.65 0 4.65 199

4 27691 Richard Bowling
Rylan Simpson
1 2.9 2.9 0 2.9 198

5 30668 Chris Johnson
Dallas Johnson
1 2.5 2.5 0 2.5 197