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    Recordcount: 14

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Standings Posted.

Stren Annabessacook Lake - 06/17/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30720 Randall LaFlamme
tim Cresta
5 5.18 19.26 0 19.26 200

2 30681 Jonathan Nichols
Lance Denny
5 4.87 18.75 0 18.75 199

3 29081 Frank Weeks
Frank Luisi
5 4.23 17.71 0 17.71 148

4 29465 Scott Robert
Erika Robert
5 4.56 17.35 0 17.35 147

5 31034 James Madera
Jason Giangregorio
5 0 15.95 0 15.95 146

6 30676 Tim Dubuc
Clayton Grimm
5 4.28 15.86 0 15.86 195

7 30672 Dave Cousins
Jamey Roy
5 3.59 15.84 0 15.84 194

8 31033 Vincent Cologna
Aaron Olsen
5 4.81 15.58 0 15.58 143

9 27932 Hunter Bolduc
Mike Bolduc
5 0 15.4 0 15.4 192

10 30685 Ryan Wheeler
5 4.05 14.82 0 14.82 141

11 24491 Mark Osgood
Darrell Wentworth
5 3.64 14.81 0 14.81 190

12 29101 Richard Dorr
Toby Cross
5 0 14.35 0 14.35 189

13 30671 Ryan Cote
5 0 13.87 0 13.87 138

14 30680 Christopher Keller
Ryan Parker
5 3.33 13.41 0 13.41 137

15 30673 Colby Currier
5 0 12.97 0 12.97 136

16 30683 Robert Spencer
Herb Macomber III
5 3.16 12.54 0 12.54 185

17 30684 Timothy Spry
Billy Grotton
5 3.14 12.42 0 12.42 184

18 30719 Dan Rice
5 0 11.02 0 11.02 133

19 30678 Christopher Goth
Rick Greene
5 0 0 0 0 182

20 30682 Justin Paradis
Jake Paradis
0 0 0 0 0 182

1st Place- Randy LaFlamme & Tim Cresta with 19.26 AND Large mouth lunker at 5.18 lb.( picture from previous event)

2nd Place Jonathan Nichols & Lance Denny with 18.75 including a 4.87 Largemouth Lunker

3rd place- Frank Weeks & Frank Louisi with 17.71 including 4.23 Large Mouth

4th place - Scott & Erika Robert with 17.35 lbs (picture from previous event)