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That's a wrap for our 2nd Legacy event of the year! We had an awesome turnout! Congrats to our winners Tanner Lindler & Joseph Frierson with a 3 fish limit of 11.61lbs. Our Big Fish winner goes to Greg, Sarah and Abby Atkinson with a 5.34 Toad!!


Our Morning devotional came from Psalms 19:14 NLT - May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeem

We've all had days on the water that we have said things that we shouldn't have due to losing a fish. When those things happen we have to be careful not of what we say because we want God to be pleased with our speach.

Legacy Tournment Lake Murray - 05/20/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30812 Tanner Lindler
Joseph Frierson
3 4.11 11.61 0 11.61 200

2 30906 Greg Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson
3 5.34 11.51 0 11.51 199

3 30907 Wesley Sandifer
Cason Krell
3 0 10.96 0 10.96 198

4 30807 Christopher Hawkins
Gunner Green
3 3.5 9.44 0 9.44 197

5 30908 Dakota Ruch
Brady Moates
3 0 7.89 0 7.89 196

6 30808 John Byrd lll
London Byrd
2 0 4.65 0 4.65 195

7 30806 Jason Ruch
Emma Ruch
0 0 0 0 0 194

8 30811 Chris Sample
Kannon Sample
0 0 0 0 0 193