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Our first stop at gum branch on lake Hartwell tunred out to be a pretty tough night. A special thanks to Darryl with his presentation and message. He compaired our daily walk with joushua and the walls of Jericho and it just reminds us that god has contoll no matter the struggle. We had a fun field of four boats. With the exciment of getting things started we did not manage to take any pictures. Hope to see you guys next weekend at russell.


Cory McGaha  (706)-870-9165    

Rodney Floyd (864)-417-5804



HARTWELL - 05/26/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 30864 Cory McGaha
jeremiah mcgaha
5 2.85 9.45 0 9.45 200

2 30900 Owen Porter
3 3.3 6.5 0 6.5 199

3 30865 Kody Nixon
Jason Long
3 2.4 6.15 0 6.15 198

4 31078 Adam Dubose
Chris Miller
0 0 0 0 0 197