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    Recordcount: 13

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Our Thursday night meeting, we welcomed back Mike Scott, Chaplain of the Ascension Parish Sheriffs Office. His message was about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Where are we each at in our lives right now at this moment, knowing tomorrow is not guaranteed. Are we prepared to come face to face with Jesus if our life ended unexpectedly. 
Thank you Pipe & Steel and Front 2 Back Boat Service for sponsoring our Lake Verret Tournament. 
Blast off was delayed due to low temperatures, but that certainly did not stop these determined anglers. At weigh in, team Daniel Aucoin and Timmy Davis brought in a big bass of 5.73 lbs, and a total weight of 13.38 lbs, securing first place overall. Their total winnings equaled $8002.50! Second place winners were Donnie Spurlock and Jimmy Charbonnet, with a total weight of 13.34 lbs, with a total payout of $2117.50. Third place winners were Ronald & Corey Salvadras, with a total weight of 13.24 lbs, with a total payout of $1345.00. There were 79 boats registered, with the top 16 teams collecting a check. 


Pipe and Steel and Front 2 Back Boat Service are the Lake Verret Sponsors 

Thank you to for supprting Fishers of Men 


Location : Doiron's Landing Verret side only 

Boundaries: No south of HWY 90. Can not lock through to Spillway side. Bayou Tranquille and Adams ponds 

Captains Meeting : Feb 18th sign up starts at 6 PM and meeting to follow at 7pm 

Captains Meeting location : The Venue 13475 LA-431, St Amant, LA 70774

Mask are required 

For the teams that both anglers attend meeting, there will be a drawing for a $150 valued prize.

One angler must attend the meeting to be qulifiy for the additional payouts.

Tournament Day : You must check in at the back of the store before launching. You may launch behind the store or in carwash side. We will take off from Larry's camp near lake Palourde. More info to follow 

Stren Lake Verret - 02/20/21


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 26454 Daniel Aucoin
Timothy Davis
5 5.73 13.38 0 13.38 250

2 26829 Donnie Spurlock
Jimmy Charbonnet
5 3.32 13.34 0 13.34 470

3 26410 Ronald Salvadras
Corey Salvadras
4 4.99 13.24 0 13.24 248

4 26497 Howard Hartley
Chere Hartley
5 0 12.87 0 12.87 247

5 26552 Damein Clements
Daniel Bryant
5 0 12.86 0 12.86 246

6 26573 Eric Weaver
Devin Weaver
5 4.52 12.51 0 12.51 245

7 26417 Malcolm Smith
Gary Christian
5 0 11.52 0 11.52 244

8 26420 Anthony Scully
Jarrod Aucoin
5 3.97 11.43 0 11.43 243

9 26513 Austin Abadie
Tre’ Gautreau
5 5.03 11.25 0 11.25 242

10 26538 Patrick Rachel
Spenser Gremillion
5 0 11.12 0 11.12 241

11 26437 Hal Pinho
Lee Bierhorst
5 0 11 0 11 240

12 26403 Tom Goins
Thomas TJ Goins
4 0 10.7 0 10.7 239

13 26462 Brennan Huter
Dylan Tempanaro
5 0 10.6 0 10.6 238

14 26397 Winston Michel
Sandy Gaudet
5 0 10.45 0 10.45 237

15 26568 Paul Pyle
Joseph Martin
5 0 10.02 0 10.02 236

16 26401 Eric Thibodaux
Levi Thibodaux
5 0 9.74 0 9.74 235

17 26434 Brooks Forsyth
Curry Schaubhut
4 0 9.42 0 9.42 234

18 26570 Brandon Gomez
Corey Martin
4 0 9.28 0 9.28 233

19 26512 Beau Fitch
Jeff McMorris
3 0 9.09 0 9.09 232

20 26547 Michael Kelley
Marlon Moore
4 0 8.94 0 8.94 231

21 26398 Ross Roper
Logan Latuso
4 0 8.42 0 8.42 230

22 26431 Linzy Howard
Clinton Singleton
5 0 8.37 0 8.37 229

23 26562 Anthony Coye
Don Hutchinson
3 0 8.02 0 8.02 228

24 26435 Gary Haney
Lonnie Boudreaux
5 0 7.98 0 7.98 227

25 26415 Jacob Mayer
Marlon Karpinski
5 0 7.96 0 7.96 226

26 26546 Joey Stein
Blake Bourque
4 0 7.89 0 7.89 225

27 26439 Hanson Chaney
John Chaney
3 0 7.85 0 7.85 224

28 26832 Taylor Richard
Austin LeJeune
5 0 7.73 0 7.73 223

29 26500 Edward Burns
Paul Amedee
3 0 7.43 0 7.43 222

30 26412 Wade Leblanc
Carl Whittington
4 0 7.29 0 7.29 221

31 26414 Jeramie Simoneaux
Blake Canella
3 0 6.72 0 6.72 220

32 26536 James Little
Harold Little
2 4.23 6.5 0 6.5 219

33 26433 Jeffery Coolman
Shane Eliser
2 0 5.97 0 5.97 218

34 26405 Eric Brignac
Logan Fife
2 0 5.63 0 5.63 217

35 26432 John Domingus
Aaron Choate
2 0 5.13 0 5.13 216

36 26436 Eugene Hoover
Kevin Diez
3 0 4.87 0 4.87 215

37 26842 Lynn Alexander
Katherine Alexander
2 0 4.83 0 4.83 214

38 26461 Phillip Aucoin
Casey St .Romain
2 3.34 4.8 0 4.8 213

39 26561 David Cavell
Corey Wheat
2 0 4.77 0 4.77 212

40 26453 Mark Sylvester
Joey Decuir
1 4.54 4.54 0 4.54 211

41 26564 Vernon Silver
Gerald Butler
3 0 4.42 0 4.42 210

42 26548 Bryan Mistretta
Ryan Gomez
1 3.94 3.94 0 3.94 209

43 26549 darin ledet
Kenneth Nini
1 3.86 3.86 0 3.86 208

44 26837 Phillip Brown
Toby Sarradet
1 3.79 3.79 0 3.79 207

45 26456 Frank Grizzaffi
Barry Henry
3 0 3.44 0 3.44 206

46 26827 Heath Melancon
Blake Forsyth
1 3.21 3.21 0 3.21 205

47 26838 Neal Normand
Tim Carmouche
2 0 2.86 0 2.86 204

48 26402 George Valentine
Phillip Valentine
2 0 2.62 0 2.62 203

49 26460 Paul Prudhomme
Owen Plaisance
1 2.31 2.31 0 2.31 202

50 26459 Zach Burns
1 1.95 1.95 0 1.95 201

51 26408 Scott Buxton
Randy Brown
1 1.67 1.67 0 1.67 200

52 26457 Justin Mayers
Cody Smith
1 1.6 1.6 0 1.6 199

53 26566 Blake Martin
Samuel Martin
1 1.45 1.45 0 1.45 198

54 26399 Colby Thompson
Jeremy Norris
1 1.24 1.24 0 1.24 197

55 26421 Connor Rushing
Alex Heintze
0 0 0 0 0 196

56 26511 Samuel Cobb
Thomas McCrystal
0 0 0 0 0 196

57 26545 Alex Perret
Cary Beard
0 0 0 0 0 196

58 26406 Robert Crowe
Mike Jasinski
0 0 0 0 0 196

59 26571 Beau Theriot
Benji Sons
0 0 0 0 0 196

60 26441 Chris Cordell
Byron Keith
0 0 0 0 0 196

61 26455 Brent Broussard
Chuck Dufour
0 0 0 0 0 196

0 0 0 0 0 196

63 26416 Jonathan payne
Corey Babineaux
0 0 0 0 0 196

64 26458 Dena Alberes
Ivy Alberes
0 0 0 0 0 196

65 26418 Joseph Bennett
Dennis Marteniz
0 0 0 0 0 196

66 26438 Andre Landry
Chris Thornton
0 0 0 0 0 196

67 26498 Warren Couch
Wilson Couch
0 0 0 0 0 196

68 26840 David Boudreaux
Gary Mock
0 0 0 0 0 196

Kirk Allain
0 0 0 0 0 196

70 26544 Blayne Joffrion
Patrick Joffrion
0 0 0 0 0 196

71 26515 Alexander Blanchard
Leroy Blanchard
0 0 0 0 0 196

72 26572 Jayson Cryer
Brennan Cryer
0 0 0 0 0 196

73 26565 Steven Leach Jr.
Darren Hernandez
0 0 0 0 0 196

74 26550 Craig Walker
Brent Bonadona
0 0 0 0 0 196

75 26535 Richie Smith
Louis Territo
0 0 0 0 0 196

76 26848 Eric Smith
Chris Torry
0 0 0 0 0 196

77 26541 Clay Naquin
Greg Bourque
0 0 0 0 0 196

78 26575 charles glorioso
Caleb Prestenbach
0 0 0 0 0 196

79 26543 Teddy Granier
Brandon Sanchez
0 0 0 0 0 196

Big Bass

1st place

2nd Place

3rd place

4th place



