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Tournament Date: Febuary 18, 2023

Beacon Wealth Management/ Fishers of Men Texas East Stop #2

Location: Lake Sam Rayburn

Weigh In Site:  Cassels Boykins

Meeting date: February 17, 2023

Meeting Location: Broaddus High School Gymnasium- FBC Broaddus-Hosts

Texas East Stop #2- Beacon Wealth Management

What a great event we had as we kicked off the weekend at Broaddus High School where we were blessed to have over 450 anglers and families show up.  We were treated by our long time ministry partner, Skero Furniture, to BBQ brisket and sausage, served by the best kitchen team in the business!  Cheryl and Leonard Claridy were absolute champs in getting all of this put together and many thanks go out to the folks from FBC Broaddus that volunteered to help prep and serve!  Our Texas East Team worked like the dickens to make this event special and the comments that have come back to us is that we were successful!

Jay Yelas, FLW and BASS Champion, brought the message and the Lord moved in a mighty way as we had three men surrender their lives to the Lord along with a multiple of men and women that rededicated themselves to walk closer with Him too.

Saturday weather was absolutely perfect and we were anticipating  some great sacks to cross the scales.  We weren’t disappointed as we had some unbelievable catches hit the scales!  When the smoke cleared it was the team of Cole and Richard Moore that took top honors with a sack that weighed in at 32.33 along with big bass honors with a 8.96 toad!  Second place was right on the heels of the Moore’s as solo fisherman Cody Pitt remained on fire with a stringer that tipped the scales at 31.70.  Third place went to the team of Austin Wooddell and Wesley Baxley with a bag that weighed  23.18

None of these events would possibly happen without our sponsors and ministry donors and we are so very thankful for their trust in us to present the gospel and run high quality tournaments.

Fishers of Men would like to thank all of our fine sponsors; BassCat Boats, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Spiderwire DuraBraid,   Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, X2 Power, FroggToggs , FSB Mortgage and Jacobs Glass

We would not be able to do what we do in Texas East if it weren’t for so many wonderful local sponsors,  Ross Motor Sports, Beacon Wealth Management, Skero Furniture, O’Ferrell Transportation, Brandon Belt Fishing, Big Help Desk, Workrise, Terrill Petroleum, Droptine Timber and Land, Menade Inc., Anderson’s A/C &Heating, Tax Resolution Guide Services, Cajun Lures, Barrett Tire and Service, Hillister Assembly of God, FBC Broaddus, FBC Hemphill, Johnny Franks Family, Trey Kistler Family, Tim Browder Family, George Anderson Family, Ralph Logan Family, Dan Hilton Family, Rusty West Family, Coy Jennings Family, Broaddus ISD, Hemphill ISD, Hilcrest Baptist Church




Stren Beacon Wealth Management February Blast - 02/18/23


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 28202 Cole Moore
Richard Moore
5 8.96 32.33 0 32.33 300

2 23602 Cody Pitt
Lane Masters
5 7.54 31.7 0 31.7 299

3 29858 Austin Wooddell
Wesley Baxley
5 7.94 23.18 0 23.18 298

4 29896 Austin Loew
Jody Loew
5 5.39 22.77 0 22.77 297

5 29970 Lane Anderson
Roy Anderson
5 6.36 21.77 0 21.77 296

6 29792 Lee Shearin
Jathan Green
5 6.38 21.6 0 21.6 295

7 29732 Thomas Rash II
Cody Wilkerson
5 6.98 20.05 0 20.05 294

8 29993 Jeff Wise
Cody Wise
5 0 19.02 0 19.02 293

9 10162 Robert Moore
Matthew Moore
5 0 18.96 0 18.96 292

10 11771 Larry Nassar
Lynn Thibodeaux
5 6.19 18.53 0 18.53 291

11 29995 Cole Stewart
Marshall Hughes
5 8.56 17.96 0 17.96 290

12 29977 Cody Platt
Lanton Chumley
5 0 17.85 0 17.85 289

13 29813 Corbett Ross
Haylie Ross
5 0 17.47 0 17.47 288

14 25140 Billy Waldrep
Justin Sowell
5 5.79 16.94 0 16.94 287

15 29987 Holden Ashworth
Michael Fesco
5 0 16.17 0 16.17 286

16 29526 Dawson Schnautz
John Jay III
5 0 15.69 0 15.69 285

17 30001 Tater Reynolds
Josey Thibodeaux
5 0 15.62 0 15.62 284

18 29839 Toby Johnson
Sam Huckabee
5 0 15.27 0 15.27 283

19 29852 Roy Radcliff
David Truax
5 6.44 14.65 0 14.65 212

20 15762 Pete Chumchal Jr.
James Pessagno
5 0 14.3 0 14.3 282

21 29822 Michael Trpkosh
Jeff Fisher
5 0 14.09 0 14.09 281

22 29999 Michael Brewton
Jay Bennett
5 6.76 14 0 14 280

23 3551 Tommie Payne
Warren Mayfield
5 5.69 13.98 0 13.98 279

24 28203 Rick Goodman
Jimmy Gore
5 0 13.91 0 13.91 278

25 29988 Steve Evans
William Easley
5 0 13.67 0 13.67 277

26 29980 Clint West
Pete Elliott
5 0 13.65 0 13.65 276

27 29525 Aaron Freeman
Hayden Heck
5 0 13.15 0 13.15 275

28 28396 Chris Waller
Dewayne Whitmire
5 0 12.74 0 12.74 274

29 29997 Kenny Jones
Kullen Fountain
5 0 12.62 0 12.62 273

30 23600 George Anderson
Ralph Logan Sr.
5 0 12.62 0 12.62 273

31 29903 Dean Wood
Ramon Raines
5 0 12.49 0 12.49 272

32 29994 Wes Ousley
Cory Harrison
5 0 12.29 0 12.29 271

33 29986 Brandon Renfro
Dwight Abshire
5 0 12.25 0 12.25 270

34 29925 Lindy Hadley
5 0 12.24 0 12.24 269

35 29856 Thomas Rash
Jason Courville
5 0 12.18 0 12.18 268

36 28200 Tony Owen
James Harper
5 0 12.15 0 12.15 267

37 29549 Chris Bergeron
Rhonda Anderson
4 0 11.79 0 11.79 212

38 29998 Colby Bryant
5 0 11.77 0 11.77 266

39 26950 Danny Cherry
Mark Lanham
5 0 11.71 0 11.71 265

40 29810 Stephen English
Clifton English
5 0 11.66 0 11.66 264

41 29992 Milton Adams
Darren Taylor
5 0 11.43 0 11.43 263

42 29836 Dakota Moore
Robert Moore
5 0 11.21 0 11.21 262

43 29849 James Stricklin
Terry Hardy
5 0 11.06 0 11.06 261

44 29969 Larry Cotten Jr
Clint May
5 0 11.03 0 11.03 260

Teresa Thompson
5 0 10.96 0 10.96 259

46 25142 Eric Herzog
Jason Chance
5 0 10.85 0 10.85 258

47 29892 James Dykes
David Dykes
5 0 10.79 0 10.79 257

48 29978 Tony Irby
Ian Irby
5 0 10.39 0 10.39 206

49 18337 Todd DeClaris
Troy DeClaris
3 0 10.32 0 10.32 255

50 26477 Jerry DuBose
James Conner
5 0 10.2 0 10.2 254

51 29894 Ben Read
Jeff Lee
4 0 10.08 0 10.08 253

52 29717 Kolton Eberlan
Mark Eberlan
5 0 10.06 0 10.06 252

53 23586 Joshua Kieffer
Jared Pollard
5 0 10.01 0 10.01 251

54 29888 Don Johnson
Joe Soileau
3 0 9.82 0 9.82 250

55 29823 Oren (Ty) Haymon
Colby Dark
5 0 9.76 0 9.76 249

56 29806 Ryan Carson
Mark Gorman
3 0 9.44 0 9.44 249

57 29859 David Gore
Jerry Williams
5 0 9.29 0 9.29 248

58 15801 Dan Hilton
Rick Sanders
5 0 9.26 0 9.26 247

59 345 Gary Baker
Jason Dew
5 0 9.23 0 9.23 246

60 28206 Theodore Thibodeaux
Jessica Thibodeaux
5 0 9.18 0 9.18 245

61 29630 Rickey Elliott
Stephen Burgay
4 0 9.08 0 9.08 244

62 29863 Patrick Ingraham
Trenton Ingraham
5 0 9.03 0 9.03 243

63 29818 James Barnett
Stephanie Hemphill-Pellerin
5 0 8.93 0 8.93 243

64 29864 Buddy Day
Gay Day
5 0 8.7 0 8.7 242

65 29809 Cody Laird
Jimmy Duke
4 0 8.46 0 8.46 241

66 25131 David Price
Ronald Roberts
4 0 8.39 0 8.39 240

67 29890
5 0 8.39 0 8.39 240

68 29905 Kevin Mcardle
George Nino
4 0 8.31 0 8.31 238

69 29838 Stacy Peacher
Mark Mundy
4 0 8.25 0 8.25 237

70 29782 Rick Guillory
Richard Garcia
4 0 8.21 0 8.21 236

71 29512 Brent White
Christopher Simmons
5 0 8.03 0 8.03 235

72 29861 Randy Chatelain
Bodre Rising
3 0 7.99 0 7.99 234

73 29527 Gilbert Ornelas Jr
Logan Ornelas
5 0 7.85 0 7.85 233

74 29808 Charles Kruithof
Charlie Stewart
3 0 7.83 0 7.83 232

75 29811 Shane Standley
Aaron Standley
5 0 7.67 0 7.67 231

76 23582 Bill Lambert
Jon Robinson
4 0 6.78 0 6.78 230

77 29944 Bruce Whitmire
Brian Allen
4 0 6.72 0 6.72 229

78 352 Stephen Kinney
Jimmy Martin
3 0 6.59 0 6.59 228

79 29551 Charles Watts
William Watts
4 0 6.3 0 6.3 177

80 19950 John Brown
Doyce Cartrett Jr
4 0 6.11 0 6.11 226

81 29886 Randy Turner
James Jared
3 0 5.35 0 5.35 225

82 29965 Eddye Sunday
Eddye Sunday Jr
1 5.34 5.34 0 5.34 224

83 29548 Eddie Duhon
Jacob Duhon
3 0 5.34 0 5.34 223

84 29584 Jordan Sansom
Brooks Leonard
3 0 5.15 0 5.15 222

85 23589 Stephen Ashworth
Tex Rieder
3 0 4.75 0 4.75 220

86 29915 Jeffrey Durham
Chris King
3 0 4.62 0 4.62 169

87 29828 Wade Bryan
Tyler Meeks
2 0 3.23 0 3.23 218

88 25282 Gary Babb
Jackson Babb
1 3.16 3.16 0 3.16 217

89 29730 Cameron Swonke
Nathan Harper
2 0 2.99 0 2.99 216

90 29821 John Walker
Cambrea Walker
1 1.64 1.64 0 1.64 215

91 29996 Warren Whitaker II
Will Whitaker
1 1.64 1.64 0 1.64 215

92 15802 Terry Reed
Gwen Reed
1 1.56 1.56 0 1.56 213

93 29819 Brent Primrose
Clayton Primrose
0 0 0 0 0 212

94 29826 Troy Roder
Josh Wendt
0 0 0 0 0 212

95 29827 Jesse McClelland
Rayburn McClelland
0 0 0 0 0 212

96 29837 Timothy Browder
0 0 0 0 0 212

97 29840 Michael Walsworth
Michael Walsworth
0 0 0 0 0 212

98 29846 Kevin Madeley
James Martin
0 0 0 0 0 212

99 29851 John Hope
Phil Brannan
0 0 0 0 0 212

100 29854 Bryan Carethers
Nathan Prine
0 0 0 0 0 212

101 29855 Mark Halpain
Melford Butch Wimberly
0 0 0 0 0 212

102 26475 Chaz Quinn
Matthew McAdams
0 0 0 0 0 212

103 26976 Michael Fenton
Triston Donahoe
0 0 0 0 0 212

104 27941 Aubrey Lewis
Jim Swoda
0 0 0 0 0 212

105 28608 Trey McGuire
Cale Frye
0 0 0 0 0 212

106 29075 Lee Clack
0 0 0 0 0 212

107 29524 Bryan Allen
Brian Bayless
0 0 0 0 0 212

108 29541 Bill Babb
Mitchell Bueter
0 0 0 0 0 212

109 29638 Robert Seals
John Finkbeiner
0 0 0 0 0 212

110 29644 Scotty Rayborn
Bobby Blanton
0 0 0 0 0 212

111 29685 Brian Johnson
Scott Overton
0 0 0 0 0 212

112 29729 Chris Tipton
Cordaryl Rawls
0 0 0 0 0 212

113 29780 Ryan Reynolds
Shelley Reynolds
0 0 0 0 0 212

114 29781 Danny Hemperley
Tony Spivey
0 0 0 0 0 212

115 29783 Eddie Carter
Melissa Carter
0 0 0 0 0 212

116 29807 Eric Girola
Robert McKinley
0 0 0 0 0 212

117 29814 Johnny Franks
Craig May
0 0 0 0 0 212

118 29815 Kenneth McMellon
Nicolas Grey
0 0 0 0 0 212

119 29923 David Merkel
John Fife
0 0 0 0 0 212

120 29941 Anthony Waguspack
0 0 0 0 0 212

121 29942 Chris DiBerardino
Larry Cotten
0 0 0 0 0 212

122 29943 David Morton
Justin Morton
0 0 0 0 0 212

123 29952 James Dutton
Robert Neal Jr
0 0 0 0 0 212

124 29958 Mike Cobb
Randy McAdams
0 0 0 0 0 212

125 29960 Robert More
Anthony Clemens
0 0 0 0 0 212

126 29964 Jon Hargroder
Arthur Longron
0 0 0 0 0 212

127 29966 Bill Calloway
Luke Wright
0 0 0 0 0 212

128 29971 William Boyer
David Pennock
0 0 0 0 0 212

129 29973 James Jones II
Molly Jones
0 0 0 0 0 212

130 29979 Chuck Chance
John Singletary
0 0 0 0 0 212

131 29985 David Wollen
Wayne Doucet
0 0 0 0 0 212

132 29989 Zack Hargroder
Dale Jones
0 0 0 0 0 212

133 29883 Andrew Kirk
Mason Lyday
0 0 0 0 0 212

134 22372 Jerry Wade
Dale Reynolds
0 0 0 0 0 212

135 22751 Eddie Richards
Scott Townsend
0 0 0 0 0 212

136 29865 Andrew Kirk
Mason Lyday
0 0 0 0 0 212

137 29884 Perry Nelms
Hagen Lee
0 0 0 0 0 212

138 29887 Eric McGaha
Kris Wernecke
0 0 0 0 0 212

Third Place- Wesley Baxley and Austin Wooddell