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Ohio - Legacy

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About This Division

Welcome to the 2025 Fishers of Men Ohio Legacy Series Division. Check out new schedule, we are mixxing it up a bit.  Some of the old and some of the new. The Legacy Series will hold one two day event with a Friday night meeting and a Saturday Tournament and two events using the Fishing Chaos catch, photo, and release format.

A Legacy team consist of one adult and one or more juniors with only two members fishing at one time. No solo fishing is allowed in Legacy Tournaments. An Adult/Junior team is defined as a team with one member who has reached his/her nineteenth birthday before January 1, 2025, and another member who has not reached his/her nineteenth birthday on or before January 1, 2025.

Any junior angler, parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or in-law of the same relationship, of either partner can be in the boat with a team at any time during the practice and competition as long as there are only two people fishing and at least one of those fishing is a junior.


A meeting will be held once a month

A lake will be scheduled for the month

You can fish the lake as often as you choose 

The day you choose to be your tournament day you must weigh, photo, and release  each legal fish you catch. 

You log the photo in the Fishing Chaos App which will time stamp the location and time of the catch. 

Hours of fishing will be anytime between daylight until dark

The App will calculate your five best fish 

Prior to the next meeting the winners will be selected and checks issued at the meeting.







Every fisherman is required to have a membership at no cost to you in 2025. Your membership fee will be paid by our local sponsors. A membership application can be emailed to you by contacting Dave Faler 419-303-6465.  The applicatin muct be filled out and returned to your director Dave Faler, prior to fishing a tournament. If you require family membership you must also pay an additional $20.  Don't forget, in the Legacy the Junior Angler is not required to have a membership.  However, they still need to fill out a membership form. 






$80. Per team per event for the two day event.

 Entries are to be paid on line @ www.fomntt.com / Legacy Series

$90 per team per event. Entries for each tournament.

Entries may be paid on the Fishing  Chaos App. 

No entries will be accepted after the meeting


Based on the number of entries. Every three boats will receive a check.


This is an option program and is a 100% payback split 50-30-20 to the top three teams entered in the program. The cost is $25. per team per event and may be paid online or by mail.

These guidelines are subject to change if necessary to comply with state or national regulations.

Click here to pay Membership on line.



Fishers of Men would like to thank all our National Sponsors Berkley , BassCat Boats, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Fenwick, Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole,  T&H Marine, Frogg Toggs, X2 Power and Jacobs Glass


Also Thanks to our local sponsors

Series Sponsors: Harvest Baptist Church of Wapakoneta, Next Gen Consulting, Commscope, R.E. Becker Builders, Muck Suckers, Ace Hardware of Shawnee, Delphos, and Lima , and Bobcat of Lima and Bellefontaine.

Supporting Sponsors: The Stitchery, Strickley Bass, J.B. Custom Rods, Freedom Outdoors



Director Information

Dave Faler
14702 State Route 274
Botkins, OH 45306
(419) 303-6465

Division Chaplain

Division Events

Lake Loramie  West Bank  April 29, 2023  Results  
Grand Lake St. Marys  East Bank  May 20, 2023  Results  
Portage River  Division of Wildlife Ramp  June 24, 2023  Results  
Lake Loramie    April 01, 2024  Results  
Grand Lake St Marys    April 29, 2024  Results  
Portage River    May 27, 2024  Results  
Portage River  Wildlife Ramp Portage River  June 29, 2024  Details  
Indian Lake    July 01, 2024  Details  
Indian  Any  April 01, 2025  Details  
Grand Lake St Marys  Any  May 01, 2025  Details  
Portage River    June 01, 2025  Details  

Division Standings

2025  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  

Thanks to our sponsors, the top team in point standings at the end of the year will receive a paid entry to the Legacy National Championship. Entry into Bonus Bucks must be paid by fishermen.